Sony Tells China to Pound Sand, Refuses to Remove Statue of Liberty from Spider-Man Movie

Sony told the Chinese Communist Party to go pound sand after the dictatorship demanded that the Statue of Liberty is scrubbed from the new Spider-Man movie.

Communist China only lets a few Hollywood movies play in the country per year.

The last two films in the “Spider-Man” franchise grossed $116 million and $200 million at the Chinese box office.

So when China wants movies censored, Hollywood usually complies.

The new Top Gun caved to China and removed references to Taiwan from Tom Cruise’s jacket.

John Cena embarrassed himself recently by groveling in Chinese after he angered the communist regime’s censors.

But Quentin Tarantino refused to bow to the Chinese censors when they wanted changes made to his last movie “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.”

Now Sony is following Tarantino’s lead with Spider-Man.

First, the Chinese government demanded Sony delete the Statue of Liberty from “Spider-Man: No Way Home” ahead of its release.

This was rejected.

Next, China wanted Sony to cut out some of the more patriotic shots of Spider-Man standing atop the Statue or dull the lighting so “Lady Liberty’s visage wasn’t so front-and-center.”

Sony took a big hit saying no and the rest of corporate America needs to start doing the same.

From The New York Post:

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According to the piece, Chinese regulators had asked if the Japanese entertainment giant could “delete the Statue of Liberty from the ending of the film.”

Sony unsurprisingly declined the demand given the prominence of Lady Liberty in the climax in which the three spidermen swing around the iconic symbol of freedom while battling supervillains, Puck reported.

Undaunted, China then inquired if the monument could be “minimized,” according to the report.

Specifically, they’d wondered “if Sony could cut a few of the more patriotic shots of [Tom] Holland standing atop the crown, or dull the lighting so that Lady Liberty’s visage wasn’t so front-and-center,” per Puck.

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