Austria: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Linked to Excess Death Surge

A troubling new analysis of Austria’s official government data has shown that the nation’s excess deaths only surged among the population after people were given Covid mRNA “vaccines,” and not during the height of the pandemic.

The data was analyzed by Dr. Matthias Reitzner, a professor at Osnabrück University in Germany.

Prof. Dr. Reitzner, mathematician and actuary, revealed that the data shows nothing unusual regarding excess deaths during the supposed peak of the pandemic.

However, excess mortality rates surged during the second and third years of the pandemic – after the Covid mRNA shots were rolled out for public use.

Interestingly, Dr. Reitzner has previously conducted a similar study of the German government’s official data in February 2024.

In Germany, Reitzner also identified a direct correlation between the increases in excess mortality and Covid vaccinations.

Reitzner’s latest study is titled: “Excess Mortality in Austria during the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

In the study’s paper, Reitzner notes the significant differences between the data for “Covid deaths” and all-cause excess mortality rates.

“Covid deaths” are those that listed as testing positive for the virus when they died.


However, these figures are widely considered to be unreliable as they don’t give a clear view of the cause of death, as Slay News has reported.

In one controversial example, a motorcycle rider who was killed in a fatal accident was listed as a “Covid death” because his corpse tested positive for the virus.

All-cause mortality rates, meanwhile, show all deaths, no matter the cause, and give a clearer picture of excess deaths – all the deaths that are above what would be expected in a normal year.

Official government data show that Covid deaths peaked in the first pandemic year of 2020 and then reduced each year after.

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However, all-cause excess deaths remained the same in 2020 and soared in 2021 through 2023.

As part of the study, Reitzner used pre-pandemic data to create a table for the expected all-cause mortality rates should have been for 2020 to 2023 if the pandemic never happened.

He then created another table for the actual mortality rates in Austria using the official government data.

Reitzner then segments and analyzes the data across the Austrian federal states, leading to excess death patterns across these states during the pandemic years.

The professor notes substantial variability of excess mortality in each Austrian state.

Discussing the results in the study’s paper, Reitzner points out clear correlations between excess mortality and Covid vaccination rates.

The professor notes that he’s reluctant to identify Covid mRNA shots as the cause of the dramatic excess deaths surge over fears of being labeled an anti-vaccine “alarmist.”

However, he notes that his findings prove, yet again, that the “negative side effects” of the injections “outweigh the positive effects.”

He points out that a “particularly high and increasing excess mortality occurs both in regions and in time windows with high vaccination rates.

“This finding supports the suspicion that the negative side effects of the vaccination may possibly outweigh the positive effects.”

In the study’s paper, Dr. Reitzner summarizes:

“The increase of the excess mortality is positively correlated (both temporally and spatially) only with the number of vaccinations.

“This suggests that side effects of the COVID-19 vaccinations may have a negative impact on mortality.”

The German mathematician states that his findings concerning the troubling association between Covid mRNA shots and excess death concur with other findings summarized by the following studies:

Reitzner concludes his study with an urgent call for more “detailed investigations concerning the high excess mortality in the second and third pandemic year and the connection with the vaccination rates.”

The findings from Reitzner are just the latest in a long line of studies from leading researchers about the world who have linked Covid shots to surges in excess deaths and deadly diseases.

As Slay News reported, researchers in Japan have issued a red alert after making a “shocking” discovery, warning the public that Covid mRNA shots are now “affecting every possible aspect of human pathology.”

The nation’s leading scientists are raising the alarm after linking Covid mRNA injections to surges in 201 dangerous and deadly diseases.

The findings were laid out in a press conference, during which, some of Japan’s leading researchers revealed that Covid “vaccines” have now been linked to thousands of side effects.


READ MORE – Japan Links Covid Shots to 201 Dangerous Diseases

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