A study has confirmed that the “wonder drug” ivermectin can be used as a highly effective treatment against COVID-19.
The study’s findings may be surprising to some as ivermectin was banned from being used to treat Covid during the pandemic as the pharmaceutical industry cashed in on mRNA “vaccines.”
The smears against ivermectin came despite the drug being hailed as the greatest medical discovery since penicillin when it was discovered in 1975.
William Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura were even awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for ivermectin’s discovery and applications.
However, the cheap and effective drug was swiftly shot down and smeared when doctors realized they could treat Covid patients with it.
In an effort to preserve the demand for Covid mRNA “vaccines,” health officials and the corporate media deceitfully told the public that ivermectin was a “dangerous horse dewormer.”
Hospitals obediently played along with this narrative because allowing members of the public to take a safe and effective drug to treat Covid at home would be bad for business.
The more patients hospitals treat for Covid, the more money they get from the government.
If those patients were put on ventilators, the hospitals received even bigger checks.
If they died, which most of the patients who were put on ventilators did, the hospitals got more money again.
The system incentivized hospitals to put patients on dangerous protocols and even list Covid as the cause of death for patients who died from something else.
A study published by the Journal of Infection has now finally dunked the deadly “dangerous horse dewormer” narrative.
The study found that individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 and were treated with ivermectin recovered quicker than those who didn’t.
Specifically, the median recovery time was two days faster for those who took ivermectin.
The study also found that a smaller percentage of ivermectin recipients (1.6%) were hospitalized or died compared to 4% in the comparison group.
That’s a stunning 60% reduction in hospitalization and death.
The figure is far more promising than anything the Covid mRNA “vaccines” delivered.
In fact, the Covid injection ended up killing millions of people.
So, why did world governments vilify ivermectin?
It would not have been possible to force the Covid shots upon the world if a cheap and readily available treatment, such as ivermectin, was shown to be effective.
The Emergency Use Authorization states:
“For the FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.”
So, they had to smear and discredit ivermectin to stop the masses from demanding it.
By doing so, critical care physician Dr. Pierre Kory says:
“That has caused millions of people to die around the world.”
READ MORE – Scientists Announce Breakthrough in Treating Cancer with Ivermectin