Trump Rips ‘Panicked’ Biden: ‘I Could Solve Inflation Very Quickly’

Former President Donald Trump has called out Joe Biden for his ‘terrible’ leadership during his first year in office.

Trump hammered Biden’s handling of the virus before he blasted Biden’s disastrous handling of the economy and the border.

Trump said:

“Look, I wanted Biden to be successful on the whole thing on COVID – or as I call it, the China virus.

“I wanted him to be successful. He’s been totally unsuccessful. It’s a disaster what’s happened.

“I think he’s done a terrible job on the coronavirus.

“The Americans have it totally right. And frankly, the pandemic – if you think about it – probably brings it down because you can’t really get your economy running to the extent, and therefore, you’re using less.


“I would think the pandemic would certainly might bring inflation down as opposed to elevating it.

“I saw him make that statement, and it’s just another incorrect statement.

“We never even heard the word supply chains when I was president.

“That was not even something that I ever remember even listening to in a hearing.

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”This is not what people bargained for. They lied through the whole thing. He lied.

“This is never been anything like this, this is not a representative government,” he said of Biden’s border crisis.

“What they’ve done is a lot of the mandates [that] are causing the supply chain problem.

“In that way, I guess you can say that what’s happening is people are quitting their jobs all over the place,” he said.

“I don’t like [vaccine mandates], but look, I took them, I took the vaccine, I was proud to do it,” he said.

“Somebody said: ‘Oh, sir, maybe it’s a little controversial, don’t mention it.’

“It’s just the opposite. I’m very proud.

“You look at the police in New York, you look at the police all over where they refuse to get – in democrat areas, by the way, I have to say that – that’s where the crime is and that’s where the police departments are being decimated by the mandate.

“It’s a terrible thing they’re doing, I have to say.

“Fauci said it would take more than five years and who knows if it’s going to work and it really works well.

“And even the people that get it, they don’t end up going to the hospital and they don’t die.”

“We were energy independent – in fact, I got the prices so low for gasoline, I was down to a $1.78 and I left at about a $1.86 a gallon.

“And I was actually worried about the industry, I had to get it up a little.

“We were bigger than Saudi Arabia or Russia and we were energy independent and within a year, I would have been bigger than Saudi Arabia and Russia combined,” Trump said.

Trump continued:

“It’s because he’s panicked. What’s happening with energy nobody’s ever seen it.

“In California, it’s $7.77 in certain areas of California and it tends to follow those numbers.

“I could solve inflation very quickly.

“What about our vets that are living on the streets and what about our people that have to live on the streets of San Francisco and New York and all over the place, they get nothing.

“They get $450,000 to come illegally into our country,” he said of a proposal floated by people in the Biden admin.

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