Democrat President Joe Biden snapped at his staff and reminded them that “he’s the one who is president” after they cleaned up after his gaffes, according to reports.
The information is from the latest of a series of leaks from Biden’s White House.
Biden has a small circle of close advisers who have not been leaking but with doomsday poll numbers pouring in, it is every man for himself.
Biden is said to be furious with his staff for constantly cleaning up and walking back his flubs.
He argues that it makes it look like an incompetent idiot who is not really in charge.
NBC says Biden is not happy with the regular clean-up campaigns that happen every time he opens his mouth because it “undermines him and feeds a Republican talking point that he’s not fully in command.”
Ron Klain, the WH chief of staff, just retweeted a journalist calling Biden’s line about Putin “a significant lapse in discipline”
— Fred Dimbleby (@freddimbleby) March 28, 2022
According to NBC, “The issue came to a head when Biden ad-libbed during a speech in Poland that Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.”
Within minutes, Biden’s aides tried to walk back his comments, saying he hadn’t called for Putin’s removal and that U.S. policy was unchanged.
“Biden was furious that his remarks were being seen as unreliable, arguing that he speaks genuinely and reminding his staff that he’s the one who is president.
“Asked about the staff’s practice of clarifying Biden’s remarks, the official said: “We don’t say anything that the president doesn’t want us to say.”
As Slay News previously reported, Biden is also mystified his polls are so bad and outraged that he is now polling lower than President Donald Trump.
“He’s now lower than Trump, and he’s really twisted about it,” a person close to the White House told NBC.
“He shares the view that we haven’t landed on a winning midterm message,” a person close to the White House said of Biden.
“And he’s putting a lot of pressure on people to figure out what that is.”
But even top Dem donors smell his weakness.
“People confront him,” a top Democratic donor told NBC.
“All he’s hearing is ‘Why can’t you get anything done?’”
Came to a head after “cannot remain in power”
a WH official when asked about the staff’s practice of clarifying Biden’s remarks said: “We don’t say anything that the president doesn’t want us to say.”
— Alex Thompson (@AlexThomp) May 31, 2022