Democrat President Joe Biden has finally caved and officially, and permanently, “terminated” the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) “Disinformation Governance Board.”
The move comes months after the controversial board, dubbed the “Ministry of Truth,” was put on pause after a nationwide backlash.
Republicans and concerned citizens were equally shocked when the Biden administration announced the board that sought to police information online deemed “disinformation” by Democrats.
DHS issued a statement Thursday that said:
“The Department welcomes the recommendations of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, which has concluded that countering disinformation that threatens the homeland, and providing the public with accurate information in response, is critical to fulfilling the Department’s missions.
“We thank the Subcommittee for its work, which required extensive fact gathering and analysis over a short period of time.
“In accordance with the HSAC’s prior recommendation, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas has terminated the Disinformation Governance Board and rescinded its charter effective today, August 24, 2022.
“With the HSAC recommendations as a guide, the Department will continue to address threat streams that undermine the security of our country consistent with the law, while upholding the privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties of the American people and promoting transparency in our work,” the statement said.
While the GOP led the charge against the board, many on the Left were outraged at Biden’s move.
Liberal TV host Bill Maher even had a member of Biden’s “Disinfo Board” on his show and even she denounced it.
Maher said:
“But then here’s from the Department of Homeland Security, ‘Disinformation is defined as false information that is deliberately spread with the intention to deceive or mislead.’
“Well, you could have said that about ‘If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.’
“Yes, they’re right to compare this to Orwell in the ‘Ministry of Truth.’
“That’s exactly what it sounds like.
“It said also, here’s a phrase, ‘can take many forms.’
“Okay, now we’re going faster down the slippery slope, ‘including but not limited to’ the two I mentioned okay, so government should not be involved in deciding what’s true or not true.
“Because a lot of people are saying and my follow-up question would be, ‘Who do you think the truth czar is going to be in 2025?’”
Former Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA), who sat on the DHS Disinfo Board agreed with the critics.
She slammed her own board saying of the new “Ministry of Truth” that “I don’t get this piece.”
She said she was not consulted about it before the rollout before adding the board would be “fine” if was “confined” to narrow missions but if it broadens its authority it “would be highly unfortunate.”