
Top Oncologist Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

Top Oncologist Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

A world-renowned oncologist has confirmed that ivermectin can be used to cure cancer after the top doctor used the wonder drug to treat over 1,000 terminally ill patients. The announcement was made by Dr. William Makis, a leading Canadian physician with expertise in radiology, oncology, and immunology. Makis spoke out…
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Doctors Raise Alarm of ‘Cancer Epidemic’ in Covid-Vaxxed

Doctors Raise Alarm of ‘Cancer Epidemic’ in Covid-Vaxxed

Top doctors are raising the alarm of a "cancer epidemic" as cases surge in healthy young people. Experts are warning that the cancers now being routinely diagnosed in young patients were typically seen in older people. Specialist clinicians have reported much larger numbers of young and healthy peopleĀ developing cancers. Doctors…
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Corporate Media Raises Alarm on ‘Turbo Cancer’ as Cases Skyrocket

Corporate Media Raises Alarm on ‘Turbo Cancer’ as Cases Skyrocket

Corporate media outlets are now struggling to ignore the unprecedented surge in cases of "turbo cancer" since the Covid mRNA "vaccines" were rolled out for public use. Deadly cancer diagnoses and related deaths have skyrocketed since the mass vaccination campaign started in early 2021. Multiple cancer types have surged over…
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Chronic Diseases Now Cause 75% of All Global Deaths

Chronic Diseases Now Cause 75% of All Global Deaths

Around the world, deadly chronic diseases have been surging and now account for 75 percent of all global deaths. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and dementia are leading the way. Multimorbidity (having multiple chronic conditions) is increasing rapidly, especially among those 80 and older, according to a medical journal report from…
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Scientists Announce Breakthrough in Treating Cancer with Ivermectin

Scientists Announce Breakthrough in Treating Cancer with Ivermectin

Several leading scientists and oncologists have announced a major breakthrough in treating cancer with the "wonder drug" ivermectin. The combination of fenbendazole and ivermectin as an alternative cancer therapy is giving new hope to doctors and patients alike. Originally developed as antiparasitic medications, both drugs have demonstrated remarkable off-label effects…
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