The wife of Infowars host Alex Jones was arrested on Christmas Eve on domestic violence charges, according to reports.
In a statement about the arrest, Jones said the incident with his wife stems from a “medication imbalance.”
Sheriff’s deputies took Erika Wulff Jones into custody and booked her into an Austin jail at about 8.45pm on Friday.
43-year-old Wulff Jones was booked on misdemeanor charges that include assault causing bodily injury to a family member.
She also was charged with resisting arrest, search, or transport.
Jones resides in Austin and he owns the media group called Infowars which has been highly censored by left-wing platforms.
When it came to the details of the incident, Jones only eluded that his wife recently changed her medication and that this was a contributing factor.
“It’s a private family matter that happened on Christmas Eve,” Jones told The Associated Press.
“I love my wife and care about her and it appears to be some kind of medication imbalance.”
Jones said his wife’s unforeseen arrest “doesn’t concern my politics” and also “it wasn’t some kind of personal hateful thing or anything.”
However, the police report was released on Tuesday, bringing more details to light.
It states that Jones’s wife hit him “over 20 times.”
He reported that he feared for his life as the attack was occurring.
The report says that Jones told the 911 operator that his wife had hit him multiple times and was “holding a polished club in her hand” and attempting to “hit him with it.”