All-Cause Deaths Surge Among Covid-Vaccinated

A major new study has revealed that deaths from all causes are soaring among those who have received Covid mRNA shots.

Alarmingly, the study also found that COVID-19 spread more rapidly among the “vaccinated.”

The study was conducted by top biology and immunology scientists at the University of Turin in Italy and published in the MDPI Journal.

The team of Italian researchers at the University’s Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology was led by Professor Marco Alessandria.

Alessandria et al. critically assessed all-cause deaths during the period of COVID-19 vaccination.


After analyzing official government data, the researchers made a disturbing discovery.

The scientists revealed that COVID-19 deaths were not reduced with the mass countermeasure deployment.

In addition, they found that deaths from the virus actually increased among those who had supposedly been vaccinated against Covid.

The team analyzed official data from the Italian national health system.

For the study, they segmented data derived from people living in Pescara on the central-eastern coast from January 1, 2021, up to December 31,  2022.

They further drilled down the data to include children and adults aged 10 years and older, who had never received a positive SARS-CoV-2 swab before the start date.

The vaccination data was acquired from the official regional Covid vaccination dataset.

After completing their analysis, the scientists followed up by including additional data as it became available.

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The follow-up considered ranges between January 1, 2021, and February 15, 2023.

In the study’s abstract, Prof. Marco Alessandria and colleagues explain that their study exposed a “significant downside for the vaccinated populations.”

In the “Conclusion” section, they elaborate further, explaining:

“…those vaccinated with one or two doses who had significantly higher risks than the unvaccinated.

“We found all-cause death risks to be even higher for those vaccinated with one and two doses compared to the unvaccinated and that the booster doses were ineffective.

“We also found a slight but statistically significant loss of life expectancy for those vaccinated with 2 or 3/4 doses.”

Interestingly, the researchers calculated the loss of life expectancy of those who were injected with the Covid mRNA shots.

Their calculation reveals how many days of life are lost on average per injection.

To articulate the data, the scientists used the “restricted mean survival time” (RMST) and the “restricted mean time lost” (RMTL).

“…we calculated the RMST difference that represents the best index of ‘life expectancy’ in those comparisons where the assumptions of the model were not met, and with the RMTL ratio that can approximate the HR in the absence of proportional hazard assumption,” Alessandria and his team note in the “Discussion” section.

“The RMST difference represents the days of life lost by the vaccinated population compared to those of the unvaccinated one, while the RMTL ratio represents the percentage of life expectancy lost in the vaccinated population compared to in the unvaccinated one.

“The differences in RMSTs between the vaccinated and unvaccinated are significant for both the two-dose and the three-or-more-dose groups.

“They may appear irrelevant (in the order of a few days), but they refer to a limited period of time (739 days for those vaccinated with two doses and 579 days for those vaccinated with three or more doses).

“They could be compared with the entire life expectancy of an individual, which in the province of Pescara has an average value of 82.6 years (corresponding to 30,149 days).”

Surprisingly, those who received two doses lost more of their life expectancy than those injected with three or more shots.

However, the researchers note that that is likely because those who only received two doses died before they had the opportunity to receive their third.

“For those vaccinated with two doses, the loss of life expectancy (RMTL) in 739 days is 1.37 (CI 95 = 1.27–1.48; p < 0.0001) times that of the unvaccinated,” the scientists explain.

“This means that the subjects vaccinated with two doses lost 37% of life expectancy compared to the unvaccinated population during the follow-up considered.

“The difference between the life expectancy (RMST) of the vaccinated and that of the unvaccinated limited to the period considered is −2.71 (CI 95 = −3.40 to −2.01; p < 0.0001) days.

“However, to have an easily understandable comparison, if we extrapolate this result to the entire life expectancy of the Pescara population, we will obtain a loss of life expectancy difference of about −3.6 months.

“Obviously, this is an extrapolation made for the sole purpose of giving the reader an idea of the order of magnitude of the RMTL,” the study notes.

“It may not constitute a realistic prediction, as it would presuppose health conditions to be invariant over time, an assumption that is very difficult to realize.

“For those vaccinated with three or more doses, the RMTL in 579 days is 1.17 times (CI 95 = 1.10–1.24; p < 0.0001) the one of the unvaccinated.

“The difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated RMST in the considered period is 0.764 days (CI 95 = −1.07 to −0.46; p < 0.0001).

“With the above extrapolation, it would correspond to a loss of life expectancy of −1.31 months.

“For comparison, between 2019 and 2022, the life expectancy in the province of Pescara fell by 1.0 year, from 83.6 to 82.6 years, indeed corresponding to an annual loss of 4.0 months.”

This news follows recent reporting from Slay News about a separate study that linked surging global sudden deaths to the Covid mRNA shots.

A group of renowned researchers has just published a bombshell study that proves a direct correlation between the injections and surging numbers of sudden deaths.

The study was conducted by Christof Kuhbandner, PhD, Professor of Psychology at the University of Regensburg in Bavaria Germany, and mathematician Prof. Matthias Reitzner at Osnabrück University, a public research university located in the city of Osnabrück in Lower Saxony.

In their study, the top scientists identified a direct link between surging excess mortality in Germany and Covid mRNA injections.

The esteemed authors of the study are now raising the alarm about the devastating side effects of the shots and calling for governments to launch full investigations into their explosive findings.

Raising alarm, the authors emphasize that “ the increase in excess mortality, an increasingly strong positive correlation with the vaccination rate of a federal state is observed, which reaches a value of r = 0.85 in the third pandemic year, indicating that excess mortality increased the stronger the higher the vaccination rate in a federal state was.

“An analysis of stillbirths showed exactly the same pattern.

“No other systematic correlation pattern was observed.”

READ MORE – Top Scientists Confirm Covid Shots Cause Heart Attacks in Children

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