Americans Facing Widespread Blackouts Due to Biden’s Green Energy Push, Expert Warns

Millions of Americans are “incredibly” vulnerable to the risk of widespread blackouts this summer due to Democrat President Joe Biden’s green energy push, a leading expert is warning.

Daniel Turner, the founder and executive director at Power the Future, warns that every area of the United States could be in danger.

According to Turner, the “entire country” is facing “a huge energy shortage” because of the Biden administration’s policies that push to convert to green energy sources while taking traditional sources of power offline.

“I think the entire country is incredibly vulnerable because the entire country is facing a huge energy shortage and I don’t think there is any place that is truly safe,” Turner told Fox News.

At issue are blackouts that could become widespread across the country this summer as grid operators struggle to meet the increased demand.

The problem has been plaguing some states for years but the threat is now expanding to impact much of the country.

Turner said some states are under increased threat this year, especially those that have made political pushes to switch over to so-called sources of “green energy.”

“The areas of the country I’d be most concerned about are the ones that already have inherent weaknesses,” Turner said.

“Texas, California, New Mexico, New York, all of New England.


“These are areas whose policies and political decisions have weakened their electric grid.”

The potential outages come as many states have moved to quickly take plants that produce traditional sources of energy such as coal and natural gas offline.

Instead, states are switching production over to renewable energy sources, which currently do not have the capacity to keep up with the demand of a hot summer.

Part of the issue with renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar is that it is dependent on variables outside human control.

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Some areas do not have enough wind or sunshine to continuously produce power, for example.

Batteries are in development that could help store excess energy production for later use, but the technology is currently expensive and not fully developed.

That could force grid operators into tough decisions to maintain the integrity of the overall electric grid when demand picks up.

However, Turner argues that the move to renewable energy is a mistake altogether.

The Midwest is particularly vulnerable this summer, even though it has for decades been more immune to the rolling blackouts and brownouts that typically plague the West.

Regulators in Illinois have warned of controlled outages that could occur this summer.

One electric company is even sending a warning letter to customers during potential heatwaves.

“A recent generation capacity auction has revealed that the Midwest could fall short of needed generation capacity to serve the summer peak load under certain conditions,” SouthEastern Illinois Electrical Cooperative said in the letter.

“In the event that this happens, your Cooperative would be directed to disconnect a portion of the load in order to prevent an electric grid failure.”

Critics have blamed the potential shortages on Illinois’s Democrat Gov. J. B. Pritzker.

Pritzker has vowed to move the state to 100% renewable energy by 2045, which has caused investment in traditional sources of energy generation to plummet.

“If you look at any country worldwide, or any state in America, that has pushed green energy mandates by government action, not one of them has been successful,” Turner argued.

“And you can measure that on multiple levels of success, in terms of what they’ve actually purported to or claim that they would produce in terms of electricity, reliability, cost.

“In terms of actual construction, or cost to the consumers.”

Meanwhile, Turner argued that the outages are most likely to affect everyday Americans and won’t likely impact the wealthy elite.

“They will choose what neighborhoods go into darkness,” Turner said.

“Look who they shut off,” Turner said.

“Have you ever seen a Kardashian complain about lack of power or Silicon Valley… Facebook’s headquarters?

“They’re all fine… they’re never the ones plunged into darkness.

“Just watch and see what neighborhoods get turned off,” he continued.

“Watch and see what happens in neighborhoods in California, New Mexico, and New York that are turned off the grid.

“That will tell you what our politicians think about their constituents and will tell you what effect the green agenda has on our country.”

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