Andrew Cuomo Gets Revenge, Demands Democrats Held Accountable for Looming Midterm Losses

Disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has lashed out at the Democratic Party ahead of the expected losses in November’s midterm elections.

Cuomo is demanding that Democrats must be held accountable for letting the party slide so quickly, seemingly attempting to set himself up as a possible savior.

“The lieutenant governor’s indictment raises troubling questions,” he wrote in New York Daily News.

“After many scandals, we had reformed the insidious pork-barrel member-item process.

“In the Brian Benjamin case, the entire system failed. How could this happen?

“The public deserves answers now.

“Pay-to-play donor connections and conflicts of interest are glaring. Critical pension reform laws were inexplicably and secretively rolled back.

“The license fees for casinos were reduced, meaning more wins for the casinos and a loss for the taxpayers.

“Backroom deals also allowed Albany’s favored casinos a competitive advantage.


“I’m sure those will be the next cases brought by a U.S. attorney.”

He said of the failed New York state redistricting scheme:

“Of course, Democrats, myself included, have a partisan interest in seeing districts favor Democrats.

“I also fully understand the instinct to ‘get even’ for the Republicans’ past partisan redistricting in this state and in many others.

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“But two wrongs still don’t make a right, and the principle of fair elections and voting rights cannot be applied selectively.

“The way things played out in New York is an egregious statement of disdain for the rule of law.”

He continued by trashing the Democrat politicians who removed him from office:

“The subway system is the circulatory system for our downstate economy and we must increase police presence and police action.

“A police officer on every train worked before and will work again. But police must actively patrol, and that means district attorneys must prosecute crimes.

“Dramatic action is needed to stop the New York City crime spree and to give New Yorkers hope rather than fear.

“These are perilous times and the ship of state must maneuver quickly, but smartly.

“The problems are mounting and public skepticism about the future of New York is at frightening levels.

“If the Democrats do not make a dramatic difference quickly, I fear the people will make that difference by defeating Democrats in November,” he wrote.

He also took a swipe at Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and President Joe Biden, two old friends who did not move to save him from his scandals.

He wrote:

“Real tax relief must be provided.

“The state budget missed the opportunity, and Washington promised property tax relief by repealing the so-called SALT bill.

“President Biden, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand all repeatedly stated that the federal tax was unfair to New Yorkers and promised they would repeal it when they were in power.

“That was two years ago.

“Their political feet must be held to the fire of accountability.”

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