Anti-Israel Protesters Desecrate American Revolution Monuments in D.C: ‘Death to USA’

Anti-Israel protesters have taken to desecrating several monuments commemorating the American Revolution near the White House.

Pro-Hamas activists graffitied on statued and desecrated the White House gates with anti-Israel and anti-American statements.

According to photos taken by Breitbart News on Sunday, protesters used red paint to mimic bloody handprints on the columns of the north White House gates near the West Wing.

The phrase “Free Palestine” was written above the handprints.

According to ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Mary Bruce, they still had not been cleaned by Monday morning.

In Lafayette Park, adjacent to the North Lawn of the White House, the protesters vandalized the statue of General Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau.

Rochambeau led French forces fighting alongside the Continental Army against the British during the siege of York Town in the American Revolution.

“Free Palestine” was written in blood-red paint at the base of the monument in cursive.


“Free Gaza” and “Palestine Will Be Free” were also etched on higher areas of the monument.

The phrase “F*ck Joe Biden” was graffitied below Rochambeau’s name.

Protesters also covered all four sides of a smaller statue near the Rochambeau statue with anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian graffiti.

Phrases such as “F*ck Israel,” F*ck Biden,” “Death to the USA,” “Tranny Fags 4 Palestine,” “Amerikkka = pigs,” and “Kos Om Israel” were written on the monument.

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“Kos om Israel” is Arabic for “Your mother’s c**t, Israel.” 

Stickers were also plastered on statues that were from a radical organization called CrimethInc.

On its website, the far-left group describes itself as “a rebel alliance,” “a banner for anonymous collective action,” and “an international network for aspiring revolutionaries.” 

Video captured during the protests Saturday, which NPR notes saw tens of thousands of demonstrators, shows vandals desecrating the Rochambeau Statue.

As night fell on Penn Quarter, the protesters began shaking the gates of the White House.

They were holding Palestinian flags and screaming, “You stand with genocide” and “F*cking cowards” at the Secret Service agents on the other side of the fence. 


They also cheered “Allahu Akbar,” meaning “God is Great” – a chant often used by Islamic terrorists.

They also yelled: “We don’t want two states, we want ’48.” 

READ MORE: Elderly Jewish Man Killed by Anti-Israel ‘Protester’ in California

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