As Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s career in Congress draws to a close, Newt Gingrich has paid the California Democrat a rare compliment.
In the likely event that Republicans win control of the House after today’s elections, no one expects Pelosi to remain in Congress after losing the speakership.
But even if the Democrats pull an inside straight and manage to keep the House, most expect the party would pick a new, younger speaker.
Republican former Speaker Newt Gingrich offered a rare compliment to Pelosi as her leadership nears its inevitable end.
He said: “You could argue she’s been the strongest speaker in history.
“She has shown more capacity to organize and muscle, with really narrow margins, which I would’ve thought impossible.”
Pelosi also dropped some massive hints about her future to CNN’s Anderson Cooper.
She spoke with Cooper in her first interview after the attack on her husband Paul by an illegal immigrant from Canada.
While refusing to confirm that she plans to step down, Pelosi did state that the incident has impacted her decision about whether or not to continue.
“I know – there’s obviously been a lot of discussion about whether you’d retire if Democrats lose the House,” Cooper said.
“I know you’re not going to answer that question.
“So I’m not going to even ask that question.”
Pelosi replied: “Oh good, I’m glad.”
Cooper asked: “But I will ask, can you confirm that you’ve made a decision about what you would do?”
“I’m just asking, have you looked ahead?
“And have you made the decision in your mind, whatever that decision might be?”
“Well, I have to say my decision will be affected about what happened the last week or two,” Pelosi responded.
Cooper: “Will it be – will your decision be impacted by the attack in any way?”
Pelosi: “Yes.”