Auburn Coach Bruce Pearl: Rashida Tlaib ‘Not at All Concerned’ with How People Will ‘Stay Warm This Winter’

Auburn coach Bruce Pearl has shut down radical Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) after the Democrat congresswoman pressed Wall Street bankers to support her party’s green agenda.

During a congressional hearing this week, Tlaib pressured America’s top bank executives to stop funding oil and gas products.

As Slay News reported, JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jaime Dimon fired back at Tlaib and warned that the Democrats’ green policies will create a “raid to hell for America.”

Now Tlaib is also schooled by a basketball coach.

“Like Gas Prices aren’t high enough?” Pearl said.


“Is the Congresswoman from Michigan not at all concerned with how much it’s going to cost people to stay warm this winter?

“Let’s just let Russia and Iran take care of our fossil fuel needs?!

“A weaker USA is dangerous for the world!”

During the hearing, Tlaib told executives from America’s top six banks:

‘You have all committed, as you all know, to transition the emissions from lending and investment activities to align with pathways to net-zero in 2050.

“So no new fossil fuel production, starting today, so that’s like zero.

“I would like to ask all of you and go down the list, cause again, you all have agreed to doing this.

“Please answer with a simple yes or no, does your bank have a policy against funding new oil and gas products, Mr. Dimon?”

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Dimon fired back at Tlaib with a devasting one-liner.

“Absolutely not, and that would be the road to hell for America,” he declared

Tlaib appeared outraged by Dimon’s response.

“Yeah, that’s fine,” Tlaib responded.

The congresswoman then continued by making unrelated allegations about student loan debts.

“That’s why sir, you know what, everybody that got relief from student loans, has a bank account with your bank should probably take out their account and close their account,” she garbled.

“The fact that you’re not even there to help relieve many of the folks that are in debt, extreme debt because of student loan debt, and you’re out there criticizing it.”


Tlaib later claimed, without evidence, that Dimon “obviously” does not “care about working-class people and frontline communities like ours, that are facing huge amounts of high rates of asthma, respiratory issues, and so much more, cancer rates are so high among my communities that I represent.”

Tlaib also got rebuked by fellow Democrats.

According to Axios:

The former head of the Democratic National Committee harshly criticized a fellow Democratic congressperson on Wednesday, saying it was “shameful and dangerous” for Rep. Rashida Tlaib to say progressives shouldn’t back the government of Israel.

Driving the news: “The outrageous progressive litmus test on Israel by [Tlaib] is nothing short of antisemitic,” tweeted Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

A day earlier, Tlaib told an online conference that “[a]mong progressives, it has become clear that you cannot claim to hold progressive values, yet back Israel’s apartheid government.”

The seminar was held by Americans for Justice in Palestine Action and co-sponsored by American Muslims for Palestine.

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