Bette Midler Calls for Nationwide Protest: ‘Every Woman Should Take a Knee When the National Anthem Is Played’

Hollywood star Bette Midler is calling on “every woman and girl” to engage in an anti-American protest over the leaked Supreme Court opinion that will end Roe v Wade.

Midler has been loudly voicing her opposition on social media over the impending decision on the 1973 landmark abortion ruling.

“Next time the National Anthem is played, every woman and girl should take a knee,” she said on Twitter.

“Out of 9 justices, 7 on #SCOTUS are Catholic. (Neil Gorsuch was born Catholic, but in a burst of #Anglophilia, is now #Episcopalian),” she said in an earlier post.


“Does that scream ‘diversity of opinion’ or ‘ability to be objective and fair’ to you given the historic #RomanCatholic antipathy to abortion?”

“Presenting #JusticeSamAlito in the role of the Grand Inquisitor!” she tweeted over the weekend.

“Reviews are in, and he is dead on in the role!

“The #SpanishInquisition has returned to a state near you!”

“People of reproductive age are stocking up on generic #PlanB & abortifacients,” Midler added.

“They better stock up on contraceptives too!”

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“I’m not that age, so I’m stocking up on benzodiazepines until this country stops giving me anxiety.”

“In his draft to abolish #RoeVWade, #JusticeAlito noted, as #JusticeAmyConeyBarrett did during the oral argument before the court, that safe haven laws allow women to drop off babies anonymously.

“There are 400,000 children in foster care.

“How can a failing system handle any more?”

“#Trumps three nominees to #SCOTUS lied during their confirmation hearings when all three said #RoevWade was settled law and that they would uphold it, carefully, craftily hiding their hard-line views,” Midler said.

“THEY LIED. Isn’t the first qualification of a Supreme Court justice…honesty?”

Calling the leaked opinion “an abomination, one of the worst, most damaging decisions in modern history,” Senator Chuck Schumer said he would take up legislation to codify the right to abortion and force the chamber to take a stand;  to see on which side every senator stands.

In a thundering denunciation of the Supreme Court on the Senate floor, Schumer, the majority leader, accused the conservative justices of lying to the Senate, ripping up the Constitution, and defiling “both precedent and the Supreme Court’s reputation.”

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