Biden: ‘I Can Beat Donald Trump Again’

Democrat President Joe Biden has thrown down the gauntlet for 2024 by declaring that he “can beat Donald Trump again.”

Speaking during a Tuesday interview on “CNN Tonight” Biden said he will decide if he is going to run for president in 2024 after the midterms.

However, if he does run, Biden said he believes he will beat President Donald Trump should they go head-to-head again.

“I just think there’s, you know, it’s a matter of has anybody done more in the first two years of their administration?” Biden said of his own first term.

“For a guy, they’ve been saying this about my age since I began to run.

“So, you know, you can come work out with me in the morning.”

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “Anytime, anytime.

“The big question, of course, is when you’re going to make an official announcement for the 2024 re-election.

“Do you think you’ll make a decision before the end of the year?”

Biden said, “Well, look, I’m not going to make this about my decision.

“I’m going to make this about this off-year election.

“After that’s done in November, then I’ll be in the process of deciding.”

Tapper said, “Is one of the calculations that you think you’re the only one who can beat Donald Trump?”

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Biden said, “I believe I can beat Donald Trump again.”

Tapper said, “All right, Mr. President, thank you so much for your time today.”


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By Frank Bergman

Frank Bergman is a political/economic journalist living on the east coast. Aside from news reporting, Bergman also conducts interviews with researchers and material experts and investigates influential individuals and organizations in the sociopolitical world.

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