Big Pharma Insider Blows Whistle on Efforts to Brainwash Public

A top pharmaceutical industry insider has blown the whistle to expose efforts by Big Pharma companies to brainwash the public into using their products.

During a new interview with independent reporter Tucker Carlson, pharma insider Calley Means reveals how pharmaceutical companies “buy off the news.”

Means explains why there are so many pharmaceutical commercials on American television.

In every other country besides the United States and New Zealand, TV pharmaceutical ads are outlawed.

Such ads have been banned over concerns that pharmaceutical advertising could influence editorial decisions within media organizations.

In the U.S., however, the “Brought to you by Pfizer” slogan is almost as familiar as the news anchors, if not more so.

According to Means, those concerns from other nations are warranted.

On the Tucker Carlson Network Friday, Means revealed that the true goal of pharma ads on TV is not to sell drugs.

Instead, the ads are a “public relation lobbying tactic, essentially, to buy off the news.”

He described this as an “open secret” working for pharma.



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TUCKER CARLSON: You’re saying that pharma buys TV spots not to convince people to ask for specific drugs from their physicians, but to subvert the news business?

CALLEY MEANS: This is an open secret working for pharma.

CARLSON: I never thought of that.

MEANS: This is an open secret working for pharma. This is an open secret.

The kind of silly ads you see between the news breaks, the points of that is not — it’s largely to impact the customer.

But the pharma has already got that.

They’ve already bought off the doctors. They’re good on that.

No, this is an open secret. The news ad spending from pharma is a public relations lobbying tactic, essentially to buy off the news.

They’re not investigating pharma.

The news has become basically a referee.

That you are a terrible anti-science luddite for asking why the shots that we require our kids to get, that fundamentally by their own advertising, change the immune system of that child for life…

To even ask that question, the news referees that and calls you anti-science.

When the two largest vaccine makers in the country are literally criminal enterprises, GlaxoSmithKline and Merck, in the past five years, have settled two of the largest criminal penalties in American corporate history for bribing doctors and creating misleading research, who are the two largest vaccine makers.

So you literally have the media playing referee that you can’t even ask a question.

CARLSON: If you have a vaccine injury, and many people have, including some I know very well, even a profound vaccine injury, you’re not allowed to complain about it.

MEANS: No, you’re “anti-science.”

CARLSON: Even if it can be shown to us that this is a vaccine injury?

MEANS: The media plays referee because they’re funded by so on all levels.

CARLSON: This is very dark, Calley Means.

READ MORE – Canadian Journalist, Who Pushed Vaccine Mandates and Concentration Camps, Dead at 33

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