Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has invested tens of millions of dollars into a radical nongovernmental organization (NGO) that is pushing for young children to be considered “sexual beings.”
Not to be confused with the pro-abortion organization, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is a group that campaigns for kids to be sexualized from an early age.
IPPF claims that children are “born sexual” and lobbies for children under 10 years of age to be taught about “commercial sex work.”
The NGO wields significant influence on global sex education and comprises 120 independent organizations in over 146 countries.
The organization, including its European network, has received over $80 million from Gates.
Other significant donors included the World Health Organization (WHO).
In 2017, the NGO released a toolkit showing an insight into how it teaches sex education to children around the world.
The shocking toolkit was first flagged by Nicole Solas of the Independent Women’s Forum.
“Sexual activity may be part of different types of relationships, including dating, marriage, or commercial sex work, among others,” IPPF said about what children under 10 should be taught.
The toolkit said that children under 10 should also be told: “As you grow up, you might start to be interested in people with diverse gender identities.”
The IPPF suggested in multiple instances that children are “born sexual.”
Children under 10 should be taught that “Sexuality is a part of you from the moment you are born.
“Your sexuality develops and changes throughout your life.”
“[S]ex positivity acknowledges that human beings, including adolescents and young people, are autonomous sexual beings,” the NGO adds.
According to the NGO, sex educators should have an “Understanding of young people as sexual beings.”
“[A]ll people are sexual beings with sexual rights, regardless of their age,” the NGO said.
The IPPF continues by declaring that “Sexual rights include… the right to say yes or no to sex; the right to express sexuality, including the right to seek pleasure; the right to enjoy bodily autonomy…”
Despite the fact that IPPF defined a child as under the age of 18, per the UN’s Convention of the Rights of a Child, the toolkit excluded weighing on the approximate age of a child’s ability to consent with an adult.
It stated, “Member Associations are encouraged to use existing evidence to assess the best age parameters for their local context.”
The curriculum said that kids under 10 should be aware of a general rule that “No one can touch you if you don’t want them to.”
“During childhood, children should learn about the basic social conventions of privacy, nudity, and respect for others in relationships, so they can identify situations where their right to safety is being violated.”
Gates donated to the organization years before and years after the 2017 report on young children being “sexual beings” was released.
The IPPF organization was originally created by a eugenicist and pro-abortion population-control group Planned Parenthood’s original founder, Margaret Sanger, in the 1950s.
Planned Parenthood has a toolkit for schools to teach kids ages 10 and under that prostitution is normal interpersonal relationship.
That's Comprehensive Sex Education.
See toolkit:
— Nicole Solas, Sued by the Teachers Union (@Nicoletta0602) April 16, 2023
Currently, the IPPF appears to function independently of the U.S.-based Planned Parenthood organization.
However, it continues to work with the Planned Parenthood Federation of America to advocate for issues occasionally.
The U.S. abortion advocacy nonprofit is listed as one of IPPF’s member associates.
Other member associates included the Reproductive Health Uganda, Vietnam Family Planning Association, Syrian Family Planning Association, SECS – Contraception And Sexual Education Society, Romania, Sex & Samfund – The Danish Family Planning Association, and the Palestinian Family Planning And Protection Association.
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