Bill Maher Humiliates Hollywood A-Listers, Spills Beans on Secret ‘Cancel Culture’ Meeting

Liberal host Bill Maher has humiliated Hollywood A-listers by calling them out for their hypocrisy and cowardice on his hit HBO show “Real Time.”

Maher came clean about a secret meeting he had with a “who’s who of A-listers and stars” at a major producer’s mansion.

The Hollywood elites had gathered to discuss cancel culture and how to fight back against it.

They all agreed that the Left’s efforts to censor speech have been a disaster and must be stopped.

However, they refused to act and kept their views about cancel culture hidden.

Maher has decided to go public instead and called out the A-listers on his show.

“About a year and a half ago I was asked to moderate a discussion at the home of a very prominent Hollywood producer and the attendees that night was a who’s who of a-listers and stars,” Maher said.

While he didn’t name anyone that was there, he said that “if a bomb went off in that room there’d be nothing on TV next year but, well, let’s just say it would be a great year for Kevin Sorbo.

“I can’t say exactly who was there but if there really is a Jewish space laser these guys have the codes, anyway the subject we all wanted to talk about that night was cancel culture.

“It’s funny, if this was 10 years ago this group would have been talking about censorship from the right, back then it was the Jerry Falwells and Pat Robertsons.

“But there’s no getting around the fact that what was on the mind of the liberals that night in Brentwood or wherever we may have been was that the most powerful witch hunters now were coming from Twitter, the Ivy League, and the progressive Left.

“JK Rowling used to be a villain to the right because she wrote books about witchcraft, now she’s a villain to the left because she has the crazy belief that there’s more to being a woman than pronouns and lipstick.

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“That was the point of the evening, how do we take a stand against cancel culture and I suggested since we were mostly all in show business that we start an award show to honor the brave people who have fought back.

“Well, I got to tell you the idea was met with great enthusiasm by everyone and in short order different people were suggesting the ways that their varied talents could be put to use.

“And then of course being Hollywood nothing happened

“But it’s still a good idea so I’m gonna do it right here right now.”


READ MORE: Bill Maher: ‘Why Aren’t Black Celebrities Asking Why Young Black Men Are Killing Each Other in Cities like Chicago?’

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