California Elites Outraged as Squatters Seize $5 Million Mansion in Celebrity Neighborhood

California elites are expressing outrage after squatters seized a $5 million mansion in an exclusive neighborhood that is home to multiple wealthlty A-list celebrities.

The massive home, in ultra-exclusive Beverly Grove on the outskirts of Beverly Hills, was invaded by squatters and became a source of rowdy parties.

Beverly Grove is home to the elite of the elite in California.

A-list celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and LeBron James, entrepreneurs, hedge-fund investors, heiresses, and studio executives own homes in the quiet cul-de-sac.

That was until squatters invaded in October and locals started complaining about them allegedly throwing “wild parties” with “cocaine and orgies.”


The neighbors are getting fed up, according to a report in New York Magazine’s Curbed.

The angry neighbors reportedly include NBA star James.

“One of the neighbors got in touch with LeBron James’s house manager,” the report said.

“They were told James was very concerned.”

Rick Rankin, a tech entrepreneur who lives nearby said, “I wasn’t born yesterday.

“They’re jittery; their eyes are spinning.

“They were clearly on something.”

The report referenced an unnamed “producer” who questioned, “Who the f*ck are these people squatting in the most exclusive zip code in America?”

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At one point, the producer confronted the squatters.

One of the squatters brazenly greeted him saying, “Hi, I’m your new neighbor,” when he brought police over to the residence.

“You’re not my new neighbor. Go f*ck yourself,” the producer responded.

The ordeal began when John A. Woodward IV, a real estate agent of the $5M home, was notified by one of the pool workers that a U-haul truck had pulled up.

The agent immediately went to the property.

When he arrived, he found that the locks had been changed and the “FOR SALE” sign was gone.

Police then informed Woodward that their hands were tied because it was a “civil matter.”

The squatters had reportedly produced what they claimed was a rental agreement.

According to the report, the locals are fired up over the situation.

Local elites are complaining every single day among themselves about the squatters and haranguing the association to do something about it.

Curbed reported:

“The neighbors heard through the grapevine that someone from the [George Gascón] DA’s office, apparently having heard about the situation at 1316, had said, ‘Squatters have rights.’

“This set the group chat aflame. ‘Welcome to California,’ one wrote. ‘Thanks Liberals.’”

According to USA TODAY, the sprawling residence was previously owned by an orthopedic surgeon, Munir Uwaydah.

Uwaydah fled to Lebanon after he was accused in the murder of his 21-year-old model girlfriend Julianna Redding.

These squatters have been here since October, charging rents for rooms and throwing massive parties all night long,” the real estate agent previously said.

“I just want to get this house sold to satisfy the court.”

READ MORE – DeSantis Drops Hammer on ‘Squatters Scam,’ Eliminates ‘Rights’ in Florida, Gives Police Power to Remove Offenders

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