California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has mentioned appointing media mogul Oprah Winfrey to Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat if she retires or is forced out.
According to a new AP report, Winfrey would serve as a caretaker until the election to replace Feinstein.
Newsom did not want to anger anyone when he picked Kamala Harris’s replacement, so he tried to have it both ways.
He appointed a Latino to fill Harris’s seat while promising to appoint a black woman should Feinstein retire.
But the primary for Feinstein’s seat is underway and he can’t afford to pick sides in that.
Democrat Reps. Barbara Lee and Adam Schiff are the two top contenders for Feinstein’s seat but Newsom has yet to pick a side.
Lee is a black woman, however, so would fit Newsom’s racist criteria.
But the Pelosi machine in California is backing Schiff.
Newsom needs the backing of the Pelosi machine for his next move.
Claremont McKenna College political scientist Jack Pitney said: “The last thing you want to do if you are thinking about running for president is alienating the nominating wing of the Democratic Party.”
Winfrey has publicly suggested she will run for president one day.
CNN reported in 2018 that she was seriously considering getting into the 2020 presidential election because the Dem field was so weak.
“Newsom must honor his promise to appoint a Black woman” if Feinstein resigns, said Democratic Assemblymember Lori Wilson said.
“I trust him at his word.
“We currently have zero black women in the Senate, so if the opportunity becomes available the governor must act to help remedy this lack of representation.”
According to The AP:
Another option would be to select a caretaker, and then leave it to voters to decide in next year’s election — someone who would hold the seat but is not a Senate candidate.
That’s where names like Winfrey come up — a celebrity who is black and happens to meet Newsom’s appointment pledge.
However, Newsom also might find it challenging to land on someone willing to take a short-term appointment.
If he picked one of the declared Senate candidates, Newsom would unsettle the growing field and elevate that person to frontrunner status.
U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee, who is black, is already running against fellow Democratic Reps. Katie Porter and Adam Schiff, who both are white.