Canada is moving to criminalize Christianity as the far-left Canadian government seeks to expand its so-called “hate speech” laws to include key elements of the Christian faith.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s World Economic Forum-controlled government is planning to outlaw Christianity, with Bible reading and prayer to be considered “hate speech” – a “crime” punishable with prison time.
Under Trudeau, a WEF Young Global Leader, the government is introducing an amendment to the Criminal Code that could see believers face jail time for expressing historic Christian teachings.
The legislation, Bill C-367, will make it illegal to reiterate certain parts of the Bible.
By stripping away the “good faith” defense, the government will be able to prosecute Christians for what is deemed by the state as “hate speech.”
Traditional Christian practices such as celebrating Christmas or attending church service will be considered crimes that carry severe penalties.
The proposed amendment aims to remove the provision that allows individuals to defend themselves by claiming they genuinely believe in and were merely expressing religious teaching already found in the Scriptures.
This means that citing religious beliefs as justification for words or actions that the state effectively regards as “heresy” will no longer be accepted as a valid defense under the law.
The bill states:
“The enactment amends the Criminal Code to eliminate as a defense against wilful promotion of hatred or antisemitism the fact that a person, in good faith, expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion or a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text.”
🇨🇦 Christian persecution is about to be introduced in Canada:
If passed, Bill C-367 could land Christians in jail for quoting the Bible or expressing a faith based opinion if the Canadian government deems it “promotion of hatred or antisemitism”.
This is an absolute disgrace.
— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) February 22, 2024
The bill has prompted outrage online.
Opponents are expressing concerns about freedom of expression.
Many are warning that the move will open the floodgates for targeted persecution of Christians in Canada.
Dr. Joseph Boot, President of the Ezra Institute, a Canada-based evangelical think-tank, said:
“If ratified, Canada’s anti-Christian legal apparatus created over the last decade will overtly persecute Christians with the force of criminal law.
“Everything is already in place,” he warned. “Buckle up.”
Warning! Canada's Bill C-367 to repeal Section 319(3)(b) of Criminal Code – a protection against "Public Incitement of Hatred" if established upon "… opinion on a religious subject or belief in a religious text;" Enforcement of this & related legislation (Bill C4) is coming.
— Joseph Boot (@DrJoeBoot) February 22, 2024
Dr. Boot went on to explain that evangelism, preaching, counseling, statements in the workplace, on social media, and in books that condemn homosexuality or transgenderism on biblical grounds could be “subject to criminal prosecution and with heavy fines or jail time.”
The legislation will also include statements deemed “anti-Semitic.”
The Christian CEO of social media platform Gab, Andrew Torba, warns that legislation means:
“Christians who maintain traditional orthodox perspectives about Jews–views that have been part of our faith for 2,000 years, are the primary obstacle to the Ruling Regime.”
Torba said, “As a result, we are the most targeted and vilified group in the Western world.
“This is just more evidence of that.”
Bill C-367 is still under consideration in Parliament.
It has passed the first reading but faces further debate.
It is expected to pass, however, and PM Trudeau has expressed his full support for the bill.
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