The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is compiling kill lists of Taiwanese citizens ahead of a likely looming invasion, according to reports.
When Communist forces invade the island, these lists will identify those individuals in Taiwan who will be hunted down and executed.
Zhou Xiaoping is a member of an influential CCP component – the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
The Conference is part of what is known as the United Front – a whole of government effort by the CCP to further its interests abroad.
One of the United Front’s key efforts concerns the absorption of Taiwan.
In a recent post on the social media site Weibo, Zhou discussed the CCP’s plan to order the creation of a “Taiwan Province Separatist Forces Blacklist” to be posted publicly.
This would be a list of Taiwanese individuals to be hunted down and killed in the aftermath of an invasion.
According to Zhou, the figures on the blacklist would be ordered to stop advocating Taiwan’s independence, “confess their crimes,” and surrender.
“If these people persist in their wrong and continue to create division and cause cross-strait conflict, then during our special operations against Taiwan, anyone can arrest or kill them, not only without any responsibility but also receive the Medal of Honor for Promoting Unification,” he added.
It should be noted that Zhou’s use of “special operation” copies the euphemism that Russian leaders used for their invasion of Ukraine.
Subsequent to Zhou’s statement, news reports indicate the proposal to create the kill lists was adopted by the Communist regime.
The creation of such kill lists would be consistent with what has been said by a number of CCP officials in the past.
China’s ambassador to France, Lu Shaye, for example, told French media last year that a “reeducation” of Taiwan would follow a Chinese invasion.
Is China gearing up for war? While #tensions between the mainland and democratic #Taiwan have been brewing for decades, Beijing is ramping up its war footing.
— China in Focus – NTD (@ChinaInFocusNTD) March 7, 2023
The revelation that China is now planning for eliminating key figures in Taiwan post-invasion just adds to the ever-increasing tension in the region.
Beijing has never renounced its claim to the island, but its rhetoric of late has dramatically escalated.
It is laying down markers.
Taiwan will be brought back under CCP control and any and all American efforts to prevent that are unacceptable and a casus belli.
Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang sounded remarkably belligerent in a press conference only days ago.
Quin threatened the United States with “catastrophic” consequences for “reckless” policies such as shooting down Chinese spy balloons and supporting Taiwan.
He celebrated China’s deepening alliance with Russia and made overtures to other powers around the world, but he saved most of his breath from a relentless attack on U.S. policy regarding Taiwan.
“Some senior U.S. officials have recently asserted that the Taiwan question is not an internal affair of China.
“We firmly oppose such absurd comments, and we will stay on high alert.”
“The Taiwan question is the core of the core interests of China, the bedrock of the political foundation of China-U.S. relations, and the first red line that must not be crossed in China-U.S. relations.
“The U.S. has unshirkable responsibility for causing the Taiwan question.”
“Mishandling of the Taiwan question will shake the very foundation of China-U.S. relations.
“If the United States truly expects a peaceful Taiwan Strait, it should stop containing China by exploiting the Taiwan question, return to the fundamental of the one-China principle, honor its political commitment to China, and unequivocally oppose and forestall Taiwan independence.”
“Why does the U.S. talk at length about respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, while disrespecting China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity on China’s Taiwan question?
“Why does the U.S. ask China not to provide weapons to Russia, while it keeps selling arms to Taiwan in violation of the August 17 Communique?
“Why does the US keep on professing the maintenance of regional peace and stability, while covertly formulating a “plan for the destruction of Taiwan?”
The August 17, 1982, communique referred to by Qin was the product of negotiations between Beijing and the Reagan administration in which the U.S. agreed to limit arms sales to Taiwan.
Beijing contends Washington is now violating that agreement and is increasingly laying the groundwork for using this “violation” as a justification for going to war against Taiwan.
As Breitbart noted:
“If the United States does not hit the brake but continues to speed down the wrong path, no amount of guardrails can prevent derailing, and there will surely be conflict and confrontation.
“Who will bear the catastrophic consequences?”
China warns of war with the United States.
— D. Scott @eclipsethis2003 (@eclipsethis2003) March 7, 2023
Meanwhile, Li Yihu, a National People’s Congress deputy announced this week that Beijing has fast-tracked Taiwan reunification plans.
“The [Communist] Party’s overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era has basically taken shape, and the strategic goals and focus of the future reunification cause have also become very clear.”
Li then noted, “The mainland will promote national reunification on a fast development track.”
What happens to Taiwan is not a peripheral issue for the United States.
Republican Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) warned last week that if Taiwan falls to China, it could cost the global economy US$ 2.5 trillion per year.
He also noted that once China succeeded in taking Taiwan it would almost certainly continue its advance across the Pacific.
Citing former President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s memoirs, Sullivan said the loss of Taiwan would compromise the security of Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Okinawa.
Sullivan said the fall of Taiwan would be an event that “breaks China out of the constraints of the first island chain.”
#China Demands #US Abandon #Taiwan Weapons Delivery Plan
"We demand that the US stop selling arms to Taiwan, stop military contact with Taiwan, stop meddling in the Taiwan question & exacerbating tensions across the Taiwan Straits," said Tan Kefei, Ministry of National Defense.
— MOCez🇷🇺🇮🇶🇾🇪🇨🇳🇵🇰🇵🇸🇱🇧🇮🇷🇰🇵☀️ (@Mousacisse1) March 3, 2023
As with so many foreign policy and national security issues, the situation concerning Taiwan is escalating out of control.
Beijing is emboldened.
Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration projects incompetence and impotence.
Clearly, a great many people in senior CCP leadership have decided the time is ripe to finally resolve the Taiwan issue.
The CCP seems to have moved past the decision to act.
It is sweating the details now.
In Beijing, they are making lists of the people they will hunt down and murder once Taipei falls.
READ MORE: Foreign Reporter Cries with Laughter after Watching Biden Speak: ‘Fit for Duty?!’