Chipotle Unveils Plan to Launch Meat-Free Restaurant Chain Run by Robots

Steve Ells, the wealthy founder of the Chipotle restaurant chain, has unveiled his new plans to go ultra techno-woke.

Ells announced that he will soon be opening a new meat-free restaurant chain called Kernel.

Oh, and Kernel will largely be run by robots.

Kernel’s first location will open in Manhattan next year with more restaurants to be introduced across the country.

It features meat-free sandwiches, salads, and sides.

However, all of the food will be cooked, assembled, and served by robots, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Ells is opting to stray away from fake meat products such as Bill Gates’ lab-grown “beef,” however.

Instead, Kernal will mostly serve legumes and other vegetables.

“It’s not trying to be beef,” Ells said about his veggie burger.


“It’s not trying to be pork.”

Ells expalins that customers place their orders via a touchscreen.

Robots will then receive the order and insert food into ovens, flip buns on the toaster, and move dishes through the kitchen.

Only three employees will staff the restaurant at a time.

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The human staff members’ primary task will be packaging completed meals and inserting them into cubbies where customers can pick them up.

It is unclear whether employees will also be responsible for maintaining the machines.

“We’ve taken a lot of human interaction out of the process and left just enough,” Ells said.

Yet, critics may argue that his new business is the next step in pushing a globalist corporate communist agenda.

Unelected organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) have long sought to abolish capitalism and usher in a so-called fourth industrial revolution.

The WEF’s agenda would create a world where the prevalence of technology relegates many humans to a state of serfdom.

In addition to a world in which the majority of humans “own nothing,” the WEF has long pushed for its utopia to be meat-free.

However, the WEF’s meat-free vision involves replacing animal protein with insects.

Ells left Chipotle in 2020 due to a massive outbreak of foodborne illness.

During his time away, Ells revealed that he read Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’s book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.”

Ells said Gates inspired him to dedicate himself to creating a restaurant that uses fewer resources.

In his mind, using fewer resources meant primarily employing fewer people.

Kernel kitchens also occupy around 1,000 square feet and can quickly cook and send to-go orders.

Ells claims that the robots and technological sensors installed in the new restaurants are more capable of ensuring food safety.

He plans to open 15 restaurants around New York over the next two years before continuing on to other densely populated areas across the country.

Money saved from employing a larger staff will be re-invested in the employees’ salaries and benefits, he claims.

READ MORE: Major U.S Meat Producer to Open WEF-Linked Insect Plant

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