Cornel West Tells ‘Mediocre Milquetoast’ Biden to ‘Get off the Crack Pipe’

Left-wing third-party presidential candidate Cornel West has slammed Joe Biden as “mediocre” and “milquetoast” before telling the Democrat president to “get off the crack pipe.”

Appearing on KBLA’s Tavis Smiley podcast, West claimed he is not taking votes away from Biden, which is a big fear for Democrats.

Biden is hugely unpopular and can’t make a speech without embarrassing himself.

So he needs the entire Democrat coalition behind him to have a chance in 2024.

“When somebody chooses to vote for you, you’re not pulling votes away,” West said.

“You see, Biden doesn’t own any votes.

“He’s got to earn it. He’s got to earn it.

“If the Democrats are putting out mediocre, milquetoast, neoliberal politicians who can’t say a mumbling word about militarism, can’t say a mumbling word about a serious response to poverty, can’t say a mumbling word about serious white supremacist practices — I mean, Biden himself said America is not a racist society.


“I said, ‘Get off the crack pipe.’

“If they produced a candidate that spoke to the needs of precious poor and working-class folk, they wouldn’t have me.

“They wouldn’t have to deal with that.

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“They’ve got a corporate wing of the Democratic Party that does not treat the progressive wing right.

“It’s shown over and over again.

“You know, I supported Bernie twice.

“I supported Biden the last time.

“I did because I thought that Trump’s fascism was such that we had to fight.

“Does that mean that we’re choosing between a neo-fascist catastrophe and a neoliberal disaster?

“That every Democratic president can say, ‘I’m not almighty, but I am the alternative. You all have no other choice to vote for me.’

“And then when he gets in there, he wouldn’t be in there if it wasn’t for black folks, especially black women.”


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