A new study by Swiss scientists has concluded that shots for COVID-19 increase the risk of heart failure in young people by 800 times.
The researchers examined the increase in cases of myocarditis among vaccinated young adults.
Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium) which reduces the heart’s ability to pump blood.
The study found a sharp increase in myocarditis among those who had received mRNA vaccinations.
The results were based on the presentation by Prof. Christian Mueller (Basel, Switzerland) at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in August 2022: “Myocardial Inflammation/Myocarditis After COVID-19 mRNA Booster Vaccination.”
According to the presentation at the conference:
- Prior to this study, there were no prospective data on post-vaccination myocardial lesions during vaccination with an mRNA vaccine. Only the most serious hospitalized myocarditis have been reported, mainly affecting men under 18 years of age.
- The actual incidence of post-vaccination myocardial lesions is 2.8% vs 0.0035% of myocarditis in retrospective studies
- Myocardial lesions affect women more — contrary to what is described in previous studies.
- The possibility of repeated doses of vaccine in order to maintain effective vaccination coverage should lead to great caution regarding possible repeated myocardial lesions and their impact on possible cardiovascular complications.
“We know that there are potentially serious side effects to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine such as myocarditis,” the study’s authors state.
“In retrospective data, the main cardiac complication is myocarditis, which remains rare with an incidence of 0.0035% and mainly affects young men under 18 years of age.”
“However, there is a selection bias because only serious cases requiring hospitalization are reported,” the researchers continue.
“The true incidence of myocardial damage would therefore likely be much higher in the general population.
“Moreover, due to the need for repeated doses and the large number of people to be vaccinated, even this rare complication is not anecdotal.”
The researchers then reveal how they conducted their study.
“A total of 835 patients were included, including 777 who received troponinemia assay on D3, among these patients 40 had increased troponinemia,” the researchers note.
“In 18 of them, causes other than the vaccine were identified that could explain the elevated troponinemia, and in the remaining 22 no cause other than the vaccine was implicated.
“The population studied was mainly composed of women (69%), the average age was 37 years and the patients overwhelmingly received their 3rd dose ( 92%).
“Less than 2% of them had a cardiovascular history.”
“The results of the study found that 2.8% of the vaccinated population had myocardial lesions, 3.7% in women and 0.8% in men.”
“In addition, it can be noted that the troponinemia in the vaccinated population seems higher than in the control group without the statistical test having been carried out,” the authors add.
“The incidence of myocardial lesions is 2.8%, or 800 times higher than the usual incidence of myocarditis,” the researchers add.
“The comparison with the control group found no significant difference apart from the history of myocardial infarction and peripheral atheromatous disease,” the authors added.
This news comes amid disturbing scenes coming from South Korea this weekend.
As Slay News reported, dozens of young people were collapsing in the streets of Seoul suffering from cardiac arrests on Saturday during Halloween festivities in the nation’s capital.
Videos have been emerging on social media showing collapsed young people being desperately resuscitated in the streets after apparently suffering heart attacks.
81 dead. this can’t be real.
— Chloe Park 🦋 (@chloepark) October 29, 2022
Dozens more people were reportedly killed in the stampede as panicking crowds of tens of thousands tried to flee.
Some reports have emerged suggesting that people were suffering heart attacks due to “overcrowding during the Halloween festivities.”
So far, estimates place the death toll around 150 with over 100 more injured.