A new peer-reviewed study has found that Covid mRNA shots can trigger violent sudden deaths by causing fatal seizures.
The study, published in the prestigious peer-reviewed Cureus Journal, analyzed the death of a man who was killed by seizures within 40 hours of receiving a Covid mRNA injection.
The researchers documented the case of the 73-year-old man who had received a Pfizer mRNA Covid shot.
He developed a headache that was followed by violent seizures, loss of consciousness, and finally death.
The case is a cause for concern as the man was killed in under two days after being injected, the researchers note.
The study, conducted by world-renowned Japanese scientists Shimura M, Fujikawa H, Yazawa M, et al., is titled “An Autopsy Case of Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome After a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccination.”
The scientific study determined that a form of brain damage can occur rapidly after a person is injected with a Covid mRNA shot.
“An autopsy revealed multiple brain ischemia without any vascular lesions, suggesting reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS),” the study said.
“Our case suggests that RCVS could be a cause of headache and epilepsy following the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination.”
In the “Introduction” section of the paper, the researchers said that headaches are a very common occurrence after Covid injections.
However, some of these headaches are a symptom of an underlying effect on the brain that causes death.
In the study’s paper, the researchers explain:
“…the vaccine can cause adverse effects such as headaches, fever, fatigue, and local reactions.
“Headache is the most common neurological side effect experienced by more than half of the recipients.
“The causes of headaches range from tension-type headaches to strokes.
“Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) may occur after mRNA vaccination against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), causing severe headaches and death.”
It is worth noting that the patient in question was currently hospitalized for heart issues before the administration of the vaccination.
However, the cause of death was neurological, not cardiological in nature.
The patient had no history of neurological illness.
The researchers also note that, while the patient was considered “elderly,” there was no evidence that his age had been a factor in the seizures or his death.
The patient had been “hospitalized for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,” the paper states in the “Case Presentation” section.
“His past medical history includes hypertension, osteoporosis, and giant cell arteritis.
“The patient denied any past medical history of neurological disorders.”
Also reported in the ‘Case Presentation’ section is that the patient’s headache, seizure, and death followed the administration of his third dose of a Covid mRNA shot.
In the “Discussion” section, the researchers deduced that the vaccination did indeed cause rapidly-induced brain damage leading to death.
They referred to it as “acute ischemic brain injury.”
The headache was just the sensation of the brain being damaged, the scientists explain.
“Here, we report a case in which the cause of sudden death one day after the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was found to be RCVS on autopsy,” the paper said in the “Discussion” section.
“In this case, the vaccination appeared to have resulted in RCVS.
“The findings in this case suggest the pathophysiology of sudden death and neurological side effects, including headache, which is one of the most common complications of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.”
Interestingly, the paper recommends MRI and MRA scans for patients who experience headaches post-vaccination.
However, it also reported that 50 to 70 percent of vaccinated individuals will experience a vaccine-induced headache.
In the “Conclusions” section of the paper, the researchers said:
“If patients complain of headaches after the SARS-CoV2 vaccination, imaging studies, including MRI and MRA, should be considered.”
In addition to the fatal headaches, the Covid shots are also known to become increasingly more lethal after repeated doses.
They have also been found to cause miscarriages, cancers, strokes, heart failure, and sudden death.
READ MORE – Renowned Scientist: All Covid-Vaxxed ‘Will Die in 3 to 5 Years’