DeSantis: ‘World Economic Forum Policies Are Dead on Arrival in Florida’

Republican Governor Ron DeSantis sent a warning shot to Klaus Schwab and his globalist allies that the policies of the World Economic Forum (WEF) “are dead on arrival in the state of Florida.”

DeSantis dropped the hammer on German economist Schwab’s WEF during comments where he took aim at “woke ideology.”

“I want to have the values not of places like Davos inflicted on us, but of places like Destin and Dunedin, where I grew up,” DeSantis declared.

“Things like the World Economic Forum, those policies are dead on arrival in the state of Florida,” he warned.

“We are not going to go down that road.”

The comments were first made by DeSantis in August when Florida lawmakers passed a resolution to direct the state’s fund managers to make sound investments on returns, not “woke ideology.”

However, the governor’s office reasserted the warning on Thursday following comments from Schwab at this year’s G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia.



On Thursday night, DeSantis’s Press Secretary Bryan Griffin posted the video on Twitter alongside disturbing comments made by WEF founder and chairman Schwab at the G20’s B20 conference.

As Slay News reported earlier this week, Schwab addressed world leaders attending the 2022 G20 Summit on what to expect as he ushers in his “Great Reset” agenda globally.

Speaking at the B20 event on Tuesday, Schwab boasted to global leaders gathering for the summit in Bali that “the world will look differently” after his “Great Reset” agenda has been ushered in.

He referred to the completion of his plans as a “transition” that the world will “have gone through.”

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However, Schwab’s address has led many to question why he, and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, would be telling the leaders of sovereign nations how he is reshaping the world.

Nevertheless, WEF founder Schwab delivered remarks at the G20’s B20 Summit on Tuesday and gave his instructions to world leaders.

Schwab told presidents, chancellors, and prime ministers what to expect as his “Great Reset” agenda is rolled out globally.

“What we have to confront is a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world,” German economist Schwab said.

“This will take some time and the world will look differently after we have gone through this transition process.”


Schwab has previously gloated that several world leaders are in his pockets and that he has installed WEF operatives in the upper echelons of powerful government administrations.

In 2017, Schwab boasted that the WEF has “penetrate[d]” global “cabinets” and controls the leaders of several sovereign nations, including Germany, Russia, Canada, Argentina, and France.


Thankfully, for the people of Florida, Schwab and his WEF allies have not been able to “penetrate” DeSantis and never will.

While DeSantis remains in power, the WEF’s “Great Reset” will remain “dead on arrival” in Florida.

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