Doctors Raise Alarm as Brain Tumors Soar Among Vaxxed

Doctors have begun to sound the alarm after soaring numbers of patients have developed deadly brain tumors after receiving Covid mRNA vaccines.

Medical professionals around the world are now warning the public about the spike.

In some cases, doctors warn that people are discovering tumors within days of being vaccinated for Covid.

However, experts say that most patients had experienced continuous migraines in the days leading up to the disturbing diagnoses.

Doctors have now issued an alert that continued migraines after Covid mRNA injections could be a sign of something much worse.

The cases of several vaccinated patients who have suffered brain tumors have been made public in the hope of raising awareness of the issue.

On November 26, 2023, 24-year-old healthcare worker Jayden Zientara’s life was turned upside down.

She had been experiencing a migraine for several days.

On Nov. 27, a CT and MRI confirmed she had a brain tumor just a bit smaller than a baseball in size.


Zientara, a healthcare partner at Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee, recently underwent brain surgery.

The 24-year-old said it all started with a bad migraine in late Nov. 2023.

“I never get migraines or headaches, so like any other person, I took Ibuprofen and Tylenol, hoping my headache would go away,” she said.

After another miserable 24 hours, Zientara decided to go to urgent care and see if the doctors there could help address her pain.

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“I was prescribed … sleep meds and headache meds … and was told that if my migraine didn’t go away in the next 24 hours, that I needed to go get a CT scan,” she recalled.

Two days later, Zientara said the pain had not subsided so she went to get a scan.

“After I received the CT, they told me I had a brain mass and needed to get transferred to Vanderbilt for an MRI,” she said.

The MRI showed that Zientara had a brain tumor that would need surgery to remove it.

Within a few days, Zientara was in surgery.

Doctors removed and biopsied her tumor.

They confirmed that it was brain cancer.

“My specific brain tumor is called an astrocytoma, and it’s commonly found in men over 40 and children under two,” she said.

The rare tumor took doctors about 12 hours to remove, she said.

However, Zientara needed to be awake for part of it so that her brain would be stimulated during surgery.

Prior to the procedure, Zientara said doctors asked her what they could engage her on during the procedure to stimulate her brain.

Zientara said the Boston Celtics and her little brother were topics she “could talk about for hours.”

“I also told them I could list all 50 states in alphabetic order,” she said.

And so, when the health staff asked her about the 50 states during surgery, Zientara began to sing a song while doctors were removing her brain tumor.

“It’s a song I’ve known since I was young,” she told Fox News.

She added, “I learned it in elementary school, and I’ve never forgotten it.”

Although Zientara said she does not remember being awake during the surgery, she loved seeing the video of herself singing and naming all 50 states.

The patient’s mom, Jamie Zientara, said she was shocked to see her daughter recite such a thing while undergoing surgery.

“I knew that there would be some type of video recorded,” she said.

“However, I was not expecting that.”

She added, “The exposure and outpouring of support she has received has been nothing short of amazing.”

Since then, Jayden Zientara has been home with her family in Illinois ahead of her upcoming chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Jayden Zientara said each of her treatments will last for six weeks, but she’s not afraid of the process.

“After my first brain surgery, I guess you could say I’m a pro,” she joked.

The care worker said her mother has been a huge support to her during this time and she’s grateful for that.

Zientara’s case is far from unique, however, and doctors reveal that continuous migraines were also present in other patients who suffered brain tumors after Covid injections.

Migraines are a bad sign for the Covid vaccinated, doctors warn.

On March 21, 2024, Theo Burrell, the 37-year-old host of the British TV show “Antiques Roadshow,” revealed she has terminal brain cancer (glioblastoma).

“The first symptom was car sickness on a journey I’d done many times before,” she recalled.

“I’d never had car sickness as a child so that was strange.

“Then I had what I thought was a migraine – visual disturbance, and lots of vomiting.

“That progressed to constant headaches and sinus problems, with my vision getting progressively worse.”

In February 2024, Tahlia West was suffering from a “never-ending stream of migraines.”

The 27-year-old from Melbourne, Australia was finally diagnosed with a rare brain tumor in the pituitary.

In Liverpool, UK, “The Night Cafe Indie” lead singer 26-year-old Sean Martin died suddenly on November 6, 2023.

His girlfriend revealed that he had been suffering from migraines prior to his sudden death.

In October 2023, 33-year-old Safa Srour, a Dubai-based beauty and fashion influencer, was jet-setting between international fashion weeks when she had migraines.

She was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm.

21-year-old Alesia Lockhart from Biloxi, Mississippi was serving in the U.S. National Guard Reserve.

In May 2023, after weeks of suffering from chronic migraines & nausea, she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Rhabdomyosarcoma – cancer of soft tissue.

In September 2023, 45-year-old British photographer Pippa Griffiths developed migraines, due to an undiagnosed meningioma.

The news comes amid soaring reports of deadly side effects related to the Covid mRNA shots.

Cancers, heart failure, strokes, blood clots, and sudden deaths have been skyrocketing around the world.

As Slay News recently reported, doctors are also raising the alarm about a new epidemic of “turbo cancers” among the Covid vaccinated.

According to a new study, official government data shows a shocking spike in turbo cancer deaths in young people aged 15- to 44 years old since 2021.

READ MORE – Tens of Thousands of Elderly Secretly Euthanized to Boost ‘Covid Deaths’

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