Elon Musk: Apple ‘Hates Free Speech in America’

Twitter boss Elon Musk has suggested that tech giant Apple “hate[s] free speech in America.”

In a Monday post on Twitter, Musk stated that “Apple has mostly stopped advertising” with his recently acquired social media company.

“Do they hate free speech in America?” Musk then asked.

Musk appeared to suggest that Apple has joined dozens of “woke” companies in boycotting Twitter with their advertising to protest the new CEO’s free speech agenda.

He then followed up by demanding answers from Apple CEO Tim Cook.

“What’s going on here [Tim Cook]?” Musk asked.

Shortly after, Musk followed up by asking “Who else has Apple censored?”


Musk then posted one of his now-famous polls asking if “Apple should publish all censorship actions it has taken that affect its customers.”

It passed 100,000 votes in the first five minutes and is climbing rapidly.

Musk also shared a parody likening Apple to George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984.

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Musk’s tweet today comes after a series of events have led to speculation around whether Apple and Google would be in a position where they block Twitter from their app stores.

In another follow-up post, Musk added that “Apple has also threatened to withhold Twitter from its App Store, but won’t tell us why.”

Over the weekend, Musk said he would create his own smartphones if Apple and Google did ban Twitter from their devices, which covers most available phones.

“I certainly hope it does not come to that, but, yes, if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative phone.”

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