Ex-Clinton Campaign Strategist Warns Hillary Not to Run in 2024: Her ‘National Ratings Are Below Trump’s’

Rumors are swirling around Washington D.C. that twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton may run for president again in 2024.

As Slay News previously reported, Hillary left the door open for another run in the next election.

On Tuesday, Hillary appeared on CBS during an interview with Gayle King.

During the interview, Clinton refused to confirm that she wouldn’t run, leaving many to speculate she pans to run against, or instead of, Democrat President Joe Biden.

However, Mark Penn, her 2008 presidential campaign chief strategist, is warning Hillary not to run again.


He told Fox News:

“I don’t think the country wants to go back to candidates who have run before, whether that is Hillary, Biden, or Trump.

“Clinton’s national ratings are below Trump’s at this point,” Penn said.

During her CBS interview, Clinton also trashed the Supreme Court, saying “this is not necessarily the only effort that we’re going to see this court undertake to turn back the clock of civil rights and gay rights and women’s rights beyond abortion.

“We are only at the beginning of this terrible travesty that this court has inflicted on us.”

The questions then led to 2024 as many expect Biden to not be the Democrats’ top choice for the election.


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GAYLE KING: “Last question. You’re a former first lady, former secretary of state, former senator. Do you miss the day-to-day of politics? Is there any scenario in your brain that you would think, I want to get back in?”

SEC. HILLARY CLINTON: “No, but I miss it. I miss it…”

GAYLE KING: “There’s no scenario in 2024 you would even remotely consider?”

SEC. HILLARY CLINTON: “You know, I can’t imagine it. I really can’t. But what I…”

GAYLE KING: “That’s not a no.”

SEC. HILLARY CLINTON: “Well, but what I can imagine is staying as active and outspoken as I can, because I think – I think our country is really on the precipice, Gayle.

“I think that we are looking at not only the erosion of these rights, the throwing the door open to unfettered, unregulated gun access.

“But we’re also looking at dismantling the federal government, how it protects our air and our water and everything else that goes along with it.”



Hillary had previously shut down rumors that she intends to run again.

“No, out of the question,” she said earlier when asked if she would run in 2024

“First of all, I expect Biden to run.

“He certainly intends to run.

“It would be very disruptive to challenge that.”

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