Ex-MSNBC Host Says She Had to ‘Get Permission’ from Network to ‘Criticize Hillary Clinton’

Former MSNBC host Krystal Ball came clean to podcaster Joe Rogan about how the far-left network tried to control her coverage of Hillary Clinton.

Ball says she was called into the office by network bosses after she criticized Clinton.

She was told would have to “get permission” to “criticize Hillary” and had to have all commentary on the twice-failed Democrat presidential candidate approved by the network president.

Ball said: “I did a monologue when Hillary Clinton was building up to run for president.

“I did this whole thing that was like, ‘She sold out to Wall Street. People are gonna hate this lady. She’s like the terrible candidate for the moment. Please don’t run.’

“Afterwards, I get pulled into an office and you know, ‘Great monologue, everything’s fine. But next time you do any commentary on Hillary Clinton, it has to get approved by the president of the network.’”

Ball wrote a piece telling Hillary not to run for president again.

The article is still up on MSNBC’s website:

“I deeply admire and respect Hillary Clinton.

“I think she is a great intellect with great fortitude.

“I think she was a strong secretary of state and a hardworking and effective senator.

“But I have come to a difficult realization: I don’t want Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2016.

“I hope she does not run, she is not the right person for this moment.”

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“We need someone who is clearly passionate, who is living and breathing and feeling in their bones the plight of the worker and the middle class, and who is unafraid to stand up to the Wall Street titans,” Ball ads in the article.

“That person is not Hillary Clinton. It is Elizabeth Warren.

“Despite all her talents, Clinton is not the woman to address the deep inequality, corporate political capture, and middle-class rot afflicting our country.

“So although I deeply admire and respect Secretary Clinton, I must say: Don’t run Hillary. Don’t run,” she wrote.

READ MORE: Clintons Team Up with Rockefeller Foundation, Push ‘Digital Cash’ to Fight ‘Climate Change’

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