DeSantis Suspends Florida Democrat Mayor after He Was Arrested on Voter Fraud Charges

Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has signed an executive order to immediately suspend Democrat North Miami Beach Mayor Anthony F. DeFillipo.

The move comes after the mayor was arrested on three counts of felony voter fraud, as Slay News reported.

The order states: “Anthony F. DeFillipo II is suspended from the public office, which he now holds, to wit: Mayor of the City of North Miami Beach. Anthony F. DeFillipo II is prohibited from performing any official act, duty, or function of public office.

“From receiving any pay or allowance, and from being entitled to any of the emoluments or privileges of public office during the period of this suspension, which period shall be from today until a further Executive Order is issued or as otherwise provided by law.”

DeFillipo faces 15 years in prison if convicted on all counts.

Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle, a Democrat, said DeFillipo voted in a North Miami Beach district even though he no longer lived in the area.

“We believe the evidence shows DeFillipo voted illegally three times,” she said.

“Deliberately swearing to false information as alleged in this case eats at the credibility of our voting and electoral systems.”


DeFillipo’s attorney Michael Pizzi called the arrest politically motivated.

“The mayor has explained over and over again, and under oath, he always intended to and always lived in North Miami Beach,” Pizzi said.

“As a result of that his political opponents, their campaign workers filed a complaint with the ethics commission saying the mayor was not living in North Miami Beach.”

“I totally forgot, it was an oversight and I had it fixed immediately when I noticed,” DeFillipo told NBC.

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“We’re human, we make mistakes.”

“Following the news conference by State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle, the City of North Miami Beach will watch closely as the legal process runs its course,” North Miami Beach spokesperson David F. Jeannot said in a statement.

“To rebuild trust in this community is no small feat, however, we are focused on earning your confidence back.

“NMB is a resilient community, and together we will emerge stronger from this.

“We thank you for your continued support as we work towards a more transparent and accountable city government,” he said.

READ MORE: Democrat Mayor Arrested on Voter Fraud Charges in Florida

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