California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has admitted that President Donald Trump was right about the state’s fall from grace.
Gov. Newsom came clean about the dismal state of Los Angeles as crime surges out of control.
The governor was responding to the current state of the city’s railroad tracks.
Trains get backed up at a certain part of Los Angeles and the thieves have been out in force breaking into trains and leaving debris scattered over the tracks.
Videos and images of the tracks have been going viral because they look more like a scene was from India or another third-world country.
Americans were shocked to discover the pictures were from the once glitzy city of Los Angeles.
Trump famously warned that the Democrats’ policies at the local level were leading to sharp increases in crime and homelessness that were making this great country resemble a third-world country.
At the time, Trump was mocked by the Democrats and their allies in the media.
However, they are not laughing anymore as Newsom just admitted he was right.
“What has happened on this stretch of the Union Pacific Railroad is unacceptable,” Newsom said before adding the scene looked like one from “a Third World country.”
Newsom continued:
“How do we make sure we don’t have to keep coming back?. How do we secure this site?
“How do we do a better job in making sure that this doesn’t have to continue to happen?
“This is the supply chain.
“I know all of us are focused down on the water, it’s so damn beautiful, and everybody’s just focused on containers at the ports, the supply chain.
“Two-hundred-80 people have been arrested,” he said.
“But there should be more. They need to be held to account.
“And we need to go after these fencing operations. We need to go after the back end of this.”
“Criminals know how to exploit California’s policies for their gain,” state Senate Republican Leader Scott Wilk.
They clearly do and not just in Los Angeles.
Any Dem city pushing these insane pro-criminal policies is seeing the same thing.
Rising crime and a lower standard of living all the while paying higher taxes because of rampant corruption.
“That is not a formula success, it is a formula to be the next bankrupt city like Detroit.
Fresno County’s district attorney Lisa Smittcamp said of the laws:
“It’s not deterring crime, it’s not preventing it.
“It’s not doing anything to stop this, which is why it just keeps getting worse and worse and we keep seeing more bold behaviors, we keep seeing more criminals who are empowered.”