George Soros-Funded Prosecutor to Stop Charging Sexual Battery & Assault, Leak Shows

Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón will no longer prosecute criminals arrested for sexual battery, assault, and burglary, according to a bombshell leaked document.

The leak, a memo from DA Gascón’s office, revealed that George Soros-funded prosecutor plans to release violent criminals back onto the streets without pursuing jail time.

Instead, the DA will free the criminals as part of his “restorative justice” program that favors “rehabilitation.”

The Restorative Enhanced Diversion for Youth (REDY) program was launched on a pilot basis by Gascón last month.

However, Gascón is now expanding it to cover a range of felony charges, according to the memo obtained by KTTV reporter Bill Melugin.

Under the expansion, arrested criminals would be eligible for “diversion” after being charged with burglary, assault, vehicle theft, robbery, grand theft person, sexual battery, and arson, according to the memo:

A number of felonies would remain ineligible for diversion, including homicide, forcible rape, gun crimes, and crimes resulting in serious injuries.

“According to this policy, prosecutors in the LA DA office tell me if a juvenile were to follow you home, pull a knife on you, threaten to kill you, then use force to rob you, and they are later arrested, they would be eligible for diversion rather than prosecution,” Melugin wrote in a tweet.

The expansion of the REDY program drew outrage from critics, with venture capitalist David Sacks tweeting: “Gascon works for the criminals, not the people.”


Gascón was put in power using heavy funding from far-left billionaire George Soros.

Soros has been driving America’s rogue prosecutor movement, which some, mostly liberals, call the “progressive prosecutor” movement.

It has made significant electoral strides in the past year due to the overwhelming financial backing by George Soros, Soros-affiliated organizations, and other far-left mega-donors.

In recent election cycles, several rogue challengers won their races against independent, traditional prosecutors, many of whom are from the same political party as these new challengers.

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These elected rogue prosecutors occupy the offices of the district attorney, but their goal is not to be the best prosecutors they can be, nor to “increase public safety,” as outlined under the American Bar Association’s professional standards for a prosecutor.

Rather, their goals, dressed up in deceptive Orwellian language, are much more sinister: to “fundamentally reverse engineer” the role of the prosecutor.

In practice, that results in favoring and benefitting defendants, attacking police officers, shunning victims, and cozying up to criminal defense attorneys and radical de-carceration zealots.

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