The Georgia State Board of Elections (SEB) is investigating the bombshell discovery of 17,000 missing ballot images from the 2020 presidential election in the state.
The investigation was launched after “2020 recount violations” were exposed.
SEB was scheduled to cover the results of the investigation (SEB2023-25) at its meeting this week, according to reporter Joe Hoft.
The investigation into the 2020 Election has been labeled “violations found.”
On Friday, the SEB reported that this investigation has been reclassified as “continued.”
Due to the investigation still being open, officials could not discuss the findings at this week’s meetings.
A complaint for Fulton County was filed that specifically highlighted 17,852 votes counted that do not have a corresponding ballot image.
The complaint also called out the discovery of 3125 duplicate ballot counts.
This complaint resulted in the creation of investigation SEB2023-25.
This investigation is now reportedly complete.
The results of this investigation were to be presented to the SEB.
This complaint was recently categorized by the Board as “violations found.”
Yesterday the SEB reported that this investigation has been “continued” and will therefore not be discussed at this week’s SEB meeting.
A shore email was sent to related parties in this case as follows:
On Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 4:30 PM [a paralegal at the SEB] wrote:
Good afternoon,
Please accept this email as notice that the case SEB2023-025 has been continued from the agenda, and will not be heard at the December 19 SEB meeting.
Best regards,
Georgia State Election Board
In addition, there are over 140,000 ballots that citizens have been prevented from auditing due to the efforts of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office.
These ballots reportedly all looked like identical carbon copies and were included in the election.
They were identified during the recount also known as the Risk Limiting Audit (RLA).
The ballots have been blocked for review in the courts since the election.
Although the Georgia Supreme Court ruled a year ago that the citizens in the state can review these ballots, Raffensperger and the courts are preventing this from happening.
Another case set up to investigate Raffensperger (SEBBI2023-001) is on the agenda and has not yet been “continued” or “canceled.”
READ MORE: 20% of Voters Admit to Mail-In Ballot Fraud in 2020 Election, Poll Shows