‘Global Boiling’: Summer 2023 Didn’t Make America’s Top 10 Hottest, Scientists Reveal

Scientists have just dropped the hammer on green agenda globalists and their corporate media allies for pushing the narrative that the hot summer of 2023 was the result of so-called “global boiling.”

The media relentlessly pushed claims that the summer of 2023 was the hottest on record while linking these claims to the alleged “climate crisis.”

The left-wing Guardian said a record was set in Phoenix, Arizona during a “hellishly hot summer” with the most hot days over 110°F.

The BBC’s report on Phoenix took the opportunity to add that heatwaves are becoming more frequent and intense, “because of human-induced climate change.”

It is often hellishly hot in the desert state of Arizona, however.

In fact, last summer was the warmest in Phoenix going back to 1933.

But strip out the heat created in the ever-expanding concrete and tarmacked metropolis, and it turns out the area was only the 11th warmest on record.

Dr. Roy Spencer at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) argues that, if the record hot summer in Phoenix was due to “global warming”, as claimed in almost all media, then it would show up at weather stations surrounding the city.


Dr. Spencer and his UAH colleague Professor John Christy have been engaged in a recent project to determine the extent of urban heat corruption in cities.

Spencer took the official surface temperature data for Sky Harbor Phoenix Airport, shown by the red curve in the graph above, and compared it to all rural stations within 10-100 km of Phoenix.

He concludes that the urban heat island effect was the dominant cause of the summer records in Phoenix.

In fact, the gap between the red and green lines could be larger since Spencer notes that he used rural data from the U.S. weather service NOAA that had been “homogenized.”

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“Homogenization” is a controversial process that often leads to rural data being equalized with surrounding areas.

According to Spencer, unsupportable conclusions are being drawn about the supposed role of “climate change” in the record-high temperatures being reported in some U.S. cities.

“Cities are hotter than their rural surroundings, and increasingly so, with or without climate change.”

This can lead to extra warmth of up to 10°F, mostly at night, he finds.

The scale of urban heat corruption is laid out in wider research recently published by Spencer and Christy.

They note they are preparing to publish their first paper looking at temperature data across the lower American 48 States with the dramatic conclusion that summer warming between 1895-2023 in U.S. cities has been exaggerated by 100%.

Across the United States, much of which is rural, the urban heat effect is placed at a significant 24%.

The data investigated are taken from version four of NOAA’s Global Historical Climatology Network, which is an important constituent part of global temperature datasets such as the Met Office’s HadCRUT.

The subsequent corruption of the global figures used to promote the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” agenda is an issue that seems to be of little interest to most corporate media outlets.

Spencer and Christy calculate the urban heat effect by using satellite maps and data to compute how temperatures change with population density across thousands of closely spaced pairs of weather stations.

Previous ongoing reports on their work have highlighted the heat corruption at airports.

The most startling case has proven to be in Orlando, Florida.

The above graph shows that the raw data for the international airport suggested a warming of 0.3°C a decade.

However, the “de-urbanized” figure fell to just 0.07°C.

Airport readings are also popular among alarmist-minded weather services around the world.

The recent U.S. summer was the 13th warmest in the record if adjusted for the effect of urbanization, says Spencer.

Records for temperatures have only been gathered for the past 150 years.

The heat was not consistent across the continent, with over a dozen cities in the south said to be in record territory, while milder conditions were found elsewhere.

Needless to say, the Guardian went into full catastrophe mode, speculating that this could be the “new normal.”

Climate scientists say the heat and other extreme weather are in line with three decades of scientific prediction amid humanity’s relentless carbon emissions.

“It might, in fact, be the tip of the iceberg compared with what is to come,” adds the speculation-rich commentary from the Guardian.

Spencer explains how the heat bait is set and happily swallowed by narrative-driven corporate media.

“A city has record warming, so it must be due to global warming caused by burning fossil fuel,” he explains.

“But what role does climate change have in these recordings at selected cities?

“Most of what we hear through the media comes from urban reporting stations, or at least airports serving major urban areas.”

READ MORE: Top Climate Scientist Blows Whistle, Admits ‘Crisis’ Is a Hoax

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