GOP Candidate Stuns Pelosi by Getting 24% of Dem Vote, Set to Win Seat Held by Democrats since 1992

The Republican Party put Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on notice after it emerged that a GOP candidate is receiving 24 percent of the Democrat vote in a congressional race.

Republican candidate, popular former Cranston mayor Allan W. Fung is running for deep-blue Rhode Island’s seat in Congress that’s being vacated by Democrat Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI).

Fung is facing Democratic state Treasurer Seth Magaziner in the race for the Second Congressional District seat.

The GOP candidate is now in a position to win a congressional race in Rhode Island for the first time since 1992.

If the Republicans win this seat, we may see a bigger red wave than many thought possible.

12 News political analyst Joe Fleming conducted a poll that spells doom for Pelosi.

According to Fleeming’s poll, Republican Fung has the support of 24% of Democrats in the district.

“The balance of Congress is at stake,” Flemming said.

“They don’t know what is going to happen nationally, we think the Republicans are going to control Congress, but who knows?

“This could be a crucial seat in the end.

“If I’m Seth Magaziner looking at these numbers, I’m going to say, well, I can do things over the next four weeks to get Democratic voters to come back home to me.

“It’s still relatively close.

“Anything could happen.”

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WPRI reported:

The poll shows Fung’s lead is built in part on his outsized strength with Democrats, 24% of whom are backing him.

“If he can hold onto that he’s going to be in a decent position, because normally Republicans don’t get a quarter of the Democratic vote,” Fleming said.

By contrast, Magaziner is only supported by 63% of Democrats in the poll, and he is trailing Fung among independents 47% to 36%.

Yet those numbers may also present an opportunity for Magaziner’s campaign, Fleming said.

…The survey finds that the rising cost of living is by far the single best issue in this year’s election for the largest bloc of 2nd District voters, named by 42% of poll respondents.

Fung and the Republicans have focused their messaging heavily on economic issues.

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