Republican Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) has unveiled a new bill that seeks to protect the adoption rights of parents who are facing discrimination from Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration due to their Christian faith.
Banks’s legislation is aimed at preventing child welfare agencies from denying prospective adopters who say they will raise kids in a manner consistent with the minor’s biological sex.
The effort by federal welfare agencies specifically impacts Christian families who refuse to comply with the Biden admin’s radical gender ideology.
In a statement, Banks said:
“The Biden administration is cruelly preventing countless children in the foster care and adoption system from going to loving homes just because parents are opposed to irreversible sex change procedures on kids.
“This isn’t a liberal or conservative issue.
“This is just plain wrong, and every sane person knows it.”
It comes after the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a new rule that targets Christian parents.
The new rule prevents children from being placed in homes where radical gender ideology is not encouraged.
The HHS website states:
The rule “would require that child welfare agencies ensure that each child in their care who identifies as LGBTQI+ receive a safe and appropriate placement and services that help them thrive.”
“The proposed rule would protect LGBTQI+ youth by placing them in environments free of hostility, mistreatment, or abuse based on the child’s LGBTQI+ status.
“And the proposed rule would require that caregivers for LGBTQI+ children are properly and fully trained to provide for the needs of the child related to the child’s self-identified sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.”
Banks’s bill is called the Sensible Adoption for Every (SAFE) Home Act.
It would prevent child welfare agencies and related groups that receive federal funding from getting those funds if they refuse prospective parents who fail to comply with the far-left ideology.
Under the Biden admin’s rule, prospective parents would be blocked from adopting or fostering kids if they say they will refuse a child’s desire for sex-change treatments.
The Biden admin insists that prospective parents must be willing to put children forward to undergo life-altering medical, surgical, pharmacological, and psychological treatments, even if they are inconsistent with their biological sex.
Several states have already passed bills banning doctors from performing so-called “gender-affirming” surgery on “transgender youth.”
Banks himself led a House bill earlier this year that would have allowed people who received transgender surgeries as minors to sue the medical practitioner responsible.
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