A group of leading researchers from America’s world-renowned Harvard Medical School has uncovered damning links between Covid mRNA shots and the global surge in cases of strokes and sudden deaths.
The Harvard researchers conducted a case study and chronicled soaring cases of fatal cerebral ischemia over the past three years.
Cerebral ischemia, or an ischemic stroke, is triggered by insufficient blood flow to the brain.
It causes brain damage which can result in sudden death or permanent disability.
The Harvard researchers found that Moderna’s Covid mRNA injections specifically caused the recent spike in the fatal disorder.
Leading experts have been responding to the explosive study by raising the alarm about the mRNA vaccines.
The study is the latest in a long line of studies linking the shots to sudden death and potentially fatal side effects.
However, it is the first major study to specifically link Moderna’s injection to cerebral ischemia and sudden deaths.
Among those reacting to the study is Dr. John Campbell – a top British oncologist, immunologist, and immunotherapy expert.
Campbell has published a video breaking down the results of the study.
“This could not be a more serious report,” Campbell warns.
The doctor discussed brain scan images from the study which showed dark areas of the brain.
These marks, Campbell explains, indicate a lack of blood flow to those regions.
This is due to blood backing up in other regions, causing over-pressure and under-pressure in different parts of the brain.
He notes that the issue can emerge within just a few hours after receiving the injection.
“24 hrs after receiving her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, a 30-year-old female developed severe headache,” the Harvard study said in the “Case Summary” section.
“Three weeks later she was admitted with subacute headache and confusion.
“Imaging initially showed scattered cortical thrombosis with an elevated opening pressure on lumbar puncture.
“An external ventricular drain was placed, but she continued to have elevated intracranial pressure.
“Ultimately, she required a hemicraniectomy, but intractable cerebral edema resulted in her death. Pathology was consistent with thrombosis and associated inflammatory response.”
Doctor Campbell explained how the medical team working on the vaccine victim opened up her head after trying many other techniques and modalities of treatment.
“So it sounds like what they did here was they, to try and get the pressure down, they actually took away some of the side of the bone over the scull to try and get the pressure down, pretty drastic,” he said.
Campbell talked about how the vaccine victim already had Covid, meaning she should have had natural immunity, and that she should not have been vaccinated given that fact and her young age.
Dr. Campbell explained that the researchers don’t know why the pressure inside the vaccine victim’s head was so high.
However, it may have been due to cerebral auto-regularity function – the brain’s regulation of its own blood supply.
Dr. Peter McCullough also discussed this case study on his Substack.
“We are becoming accustomed to unexpected death after COVID-19 among young persons who have taken one or more injections of the COVID-19 vaccine,” McCullough said.
“It is important to realize that not all deaths after vaccination are cardiac.”
Additionally, Campbell also discussed how the pharmaceutical industry is building mRNA factories around the world.
Drugmakers are pushing to manufacture this novel gene therapy technology at a scale that can quickly churn out mRNA injections to rapidly vaccinate the entire global population.
Meanwhile, a separate major new study of 2.7 billion people has determined that COVID-19 did not cause any excess deaths during or after the pandemic, despite widespread claims to the contrary from health agencies around the world, as Slay News reported.
However, the same explosive study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots, which were supposedly unleashed on the public to tackle the virus, have caused millions of excess deaths globally.
The study found that the excess all-cause mortality in 125 countries is incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease.
The researchers analyzed excess mortality across the world during the pandemic years of 2020 to 2023.
They calculated that, by December 2022, the Covid mRNA injections had killed 16.9 million people.
READ MORE – Global Study: Covid Caused Zero Excess Deaths, mRNA Shots Caused Millions