Biden’s Approval Among Hispanics Plummets 40 Points in One Year, Poll Shows

Democrat President Joe Biden’s approval numbers among Hispanic voters have plummeted by a staggering 40 points in just one year, according to a new poll.

The devastating figures come as Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris continue to sink across the board amid multiple crises.

Gas prices are climbing, and if war breaks out in Ukraine, the sky is the limit for energy prices.

Inflation is causing concern across all demographic groups and Biden’s incomprehensible solution to keep pushing for more spending is not going down well with voters.

Biden and Harris have little done little to impress voters with a whopping 56%, in a recent poll, saying they approve of nothing the adminsiatrtion has done.

However, the shift among Hispanic voters is what should really send shockwaves through the Democratic Party.

Hispanics are, for the most part, a loyal Democrat voting block.

The Democrats need around 55% of the Hispanic vote to make their coalition work.

So all the GOP has to do is close the gap and the Democrats are in real trouble.

According to some new polls, the GOP has not only closed the gap but Joe Biden is underwater with Hispanic voters and in some swing states by a considerable margin.

Biden’s net approval among Hispanics dropped by 40 points since Jan 2021, according to one poll.

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Frank Luntz said: “Biden’s approval keeps dropping like a rock The lower it goes, the lower his chances of getting anything passed via the Legislative Branch.”

The new polls that spell doom for Joe Biden say:

NEW: @Civiqs / Feb 13

President Biden Approval Poll:

Approve 34%

Disapprove 56%


Approve 23%

Disapprove 66%


Approve 44%*

Disapprove 45%

*Biden’s net approval among Hispanics declined by 40 points since Jan 2021

But it gets much worse for Joe Biden.

President Biden Job Approval among Hispanics in 3 swing states:

Approve or Disapprove of Biden?

AZ Jan 2021: 66/25 Net:+41

AZ Feb 2022: 45/47 Net: -2

NV Jan 2021: 64/27 Net: +37

NV Feb 2022: 47/44 Net: +3

NM Jan 2021: 58/33 Net: +25

NM Feb 2022: 37/56 Net: -19

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