A female volleyball player has been injured during a high school game by a biological male transgender competitor who was playing on the girls’ team.
Cherokee County Schools in North Carolina voted to stop all future competition between one of its school’s female volleyball teams and other teams in the district following the incident.
The injury was caused by a trans player on the Highlands School volleyball team during a match.
The trans player spiked the ball in an opposing player’s face so hard she obtained “severe head and neck injuries, resulting in long-term concussion symptoms including vision problems.”
With a 5-1 vote, the Cherokee County Board of Education declared the event a “safety issue” and canceled all remaining games against Highlands High.
Coach and Cherokee Board Member Joe Wood said:
“I’ll never put a child in a position to be seriously injured.
“I think the odds (of injury) in these non-contact sports aren’t high.
“But in particular, in this meeting, a coach of 40 years said they’d never seen a hit like this.
“That was really what sealed the decision, at least on my part.”
Board vice chair Jeff Martin:
“The competitive advantage issue certainly has to come up in any scenario with that type of transgender conversion, per se.
“I can tell you that the board wasn’t searching out this kind of thing.
“It was brought to our attention based on safety concerns.”
Board member Jeff Tatham said:
“The biggest thing for us, especially after seeing the video of the injury, we felt very strongly that it was a safety concern.
“I think most of the board members also felt like there’s a competitive advantage issue.”
Cherokee County School Board member Arnold Mathews said:
“We reached out to the North Carolina High School Athletic Association, who says ‘it is the understanding of the NCHSAA that a local school system governs its athletic programs and at any time can determine for whatever reason that a school or team cannot play another school or team.'”
“While we would prefer that schools or teams play all games it schedules, that latitude does exist,” says NCHSAA.
HS Volleyball Player injured by Transgender Competitor in North Carolina pic.twitter.com/bpbLRs9GvU
— Verónica López ☕ (@veroniquella) October 16, 2022
Ugh. Ffs stop allowing boys/men to compete against girls/women. It’s really that simple, except to lunatic leftists.
Wake up
VIDEO: North Carolina High Schools Cancel Volleyball Games Against One School After Transgender Player Injures Girl https://t.co/IflWjaOYaK— 🇺🇸America First Stacy🇺🇸 (@Discoveringme40) October 20, 2022