Iceland Bans Covid mRNA Shots as Sudden Deaths Skyrocket

The government of Iceland has taken decisive action and banned Covid mRNA shots from the island nation as excess deaths, strokes, blood clots, sudden cardiac arrests, and other “unexplained” health issues continue to soar around the world.

In Iceland’s capital Reykjavik, a conference titled “Let the Science Speak” was held in early October.

The main topic of discussion during the event was the negative impact the Covid mRNA injections are having on public health.

Speakers at the conference also warned about the power grab of the unelected United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO).

Investigative journalist Sasha Latypova was one of the six speakers at the event.


A few weeks after the conference, the organizers of “Let the Science Speak” informed Latypova that the Icelandic government announced its response to the soaring deaths and sudden cardiac arrests among the population.

As of this week, COVID-19 injections are no longer available in Iceland after being banned by the government.


“There were 200+ people in a packed conference room [in Iceland], and 300+ more on live stream,” Latypova said when writing about the event.

“Even the state media showed up briefly (probably to film everyone who attended for future surveillance). No matter.

“Everyone knows everyone else in a tiny country, and we were told the top officials are now extremely nervous.”

“It appears that as a direct result of this public event, the organizers now have scheduled a follow-up meeting with the Icelandic Ministry of Health,” she added.

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The government informed the people of Iceland about the ban in an announcement that appeared in the Icelandic daily paper Morgunbladid last week.

The article ends: “Next week, the public will be able to get an influenza vaccination at the health center, but not Covid vaccination at the moment.”

The following is a translation of the Morgunbladid article with comments added by Latypova.

Translation of Morgunbladid article with [comments added]:

There has been a large increase in respiratory infections recently, according to Ragnheiður Óskar Erlendsdóttir, director of nursing at the Capital Region Health Service. [National Health Services that serves the whole capital are and nearby towns].

“We have noticed a considerable turnout for counselling,” [people showing up sick] she says.

It is clear that covid-19 is quite widespread in society along with other plagues.

“Now covid is just like any other flu, but as with other flus, we would like to ask people to take a break while symptoms are severe and practice infection prevention.”

[In the previous sentence it is a plague, here it is just a flu and we want you to just stay home, so we don’t get confronted with the result of mass poisoning we caused by “safe and effective” elixirs].

Since 18 October, vaccinations against covid and influenza have been available for people aged 60 and over and people with underlying diseases, but Ragnheiður says the attendance has been moderate.

Next week, the public will be able to get an influenza vaccination at the health centre, but not Covid vaccination at the moment. [Emphasis added]

The news comes after Iceland, like many other nations, has suffered soaring rates of excess mortality caused by unexpected sudden deaths.

The following graph shows how all of Iceland’s excess mortality happened after Covid injections were rolled out to the public and not during the pandemic:

Iceland is the first country so far to acknowledge the sudden deaths problem and take action.

Experts in countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Germany, and the United States, have been raising the alarm about the issue for some time.

However, little is being done to address the issue.

It remains to be seen if any other governments follow Iceland’s lead and face the issue head-on.

READ MORE: Navy Whistleblower Exposes ‘937% Surge in Heart Failure’ Among Vaxxed Pilots

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