Jan 6 Videos Show Antifa Infiltrating Trump Supporters, Inciting Violence

Previously censored videos from Jan. 6 have remerged that show members of the far-left group Antifa infiltrating crowds of Trump supporters at the U.S. Capitol and inciting violence.

The videos first emerged shortly after January 6, 2021, but were blocked across social media platforms.

However, they are now going viral on Elon Musk’s Twitter in wake of Tucker Carlson’s recent reporting on the Jan. 6 Tapes.

The videos also show supporters of President Donald Trump attempting to stop Antifa members from committing vandalism at the Capitol.

One video shows a man saying he witnessed Antifa militants disguising themselves as Trump supporters to make the MAGA crowd look bad.


The eyewitness further insisted the Jan. 6 protesters committing vandalism were not Trump supporters.

Cartoonist Scott Adams quote-tweeted a previously-censored video of Jacob Chansley that disputes the media’s “violent insurrectionist” narrative.

Chansley, the “QAnon Shaman” who was sentenced to over three years in jail, is seen shouting to protestors that Trump had tweeted they should return home.

“We’re going to obey our president!” Chansley shouts.

“Respect the Capitol!” someone in the crown can be heard yelling back in agreement.

Chansley reads out one of Trump’s tweets into a megaphone while encouraging the crown to remain peaceful.

“We are not Antifa! We’re not Antifa!” Chansley tells the protesters.


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Another video shows a Trump supporter leaping on a man who was trying to smash a window.

Others are seen cheering him for stopping the vandalism.

The protestors boo the vandal and one yells, “Antifa!”


One video appears to show Trump supporters trying to restrain a violent Antifa militant.

“We’ve got Antifa right here!” some is heard shouting.

Others yell “No fighting!” and “F*ck Antifa!”

The Trump supporters drive people away, telling those that identify as Antifa to leave.

A previously-censored video is of an eyewitness account from a man who was at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

He says he was an emergency management coordinator in Pennsylvania and stated that he saw Antifa members trying to disguise themselves as Trump supporters.

“We got to shake this up so that these people look bad,” the witness quotes the Antifa militants saying.

He said these same people then broke a window at the Capitol.

The witness said he started to walk away, wanting to leave the vandalism behind, but he heard them trying to break a second window as he walked away.

The eyewitness added that he also saw some of the supposed “mob violence” on the other side of the Capitol.

He explained that when people started to climb the scaffolding, Trump supporters around them began to say, “These aren’t our people.”

The eyewitness himself was very insistent: “They weren’t Trump supporters, I’m telling you…Trump supporters were walking away [from them].”

“These are people that are trying to get—promote the false narrative that Trump’s people are acting like Antifa and BLM,” he insists.


Over 950 Americans were arrested in connection with Jan. 6, per the Justice Department.

Many of the Jan. 6 prisoners were deprived even of necessities like basic medical care, and they reported physical abuse.

Conditions were (and are) so bad that prisoners petitioned to be transferred to Guantanamo, as they are being treated worse than terrorists.

READ MORE: DOJ Hit with Legal Motion after Truth Emerges about Jan 6

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