Viral Dad Praises Trump as ‘Best POTUS,’ Sends Biden New Message: ‘Let’s Go Brandon’

The Oregon dad who went viral for pranking Joe Biden on Christmas Eve has sent out a new message for the Democrat president.

Jared Schmeck made headlines after he tricked Biden into saying “Let’s go Brandon” live on air.

Schmeck has now followed up by giving an interview with David J. Harris Jr. where he praised Trump and doubled down on his message to Biden.

“Some media outlets are reporting I do not support Donald Trump based on statements I provided to the Oregonian where I said I am not a Trumper,” Schmeck said.

“In context, I was saying that I am not a blind follower of Trump, or any man for that matter, but consider myself a free-thinking American and follower of Jesus Christ first and foremost.

“I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020; he is the best president in my lifetime and probably in the history of our country.

“I don’t think the media really understood what I told them about how I felt about Biden and Trump, and I wanted to correct it, so thank you for letting me come on.”


“What would you tell Joe Biden?” Harris asked.

“Let’s go, Brandon,” Schmeck said.

“What message would you like to give President Trump?” Harris asked.

Schmeck said: “I would tell him, God Bless you.

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“You are incredible to do what you do, and you have our support. Never forget that.”

In a statement released through Harris, Schmeck said:

“Upon reading the article the Oregonian published, I do not believe it accurately conveys my stance on this issue in its full context.

“Frankly, the call felt like a hit job.

“I was enjoying Christmas breakfast when I received the call.

When I told them I didn’t want my name in an article, they replied that the information was already out there, and an article would be written regardless.

“When I read the published article, I thought it sounded weak, and without direction.

“This does not match me or my character as I have a very solid set of standards and principles.

“Let me be clear, this is not an apology.

“My kids and I call NORAD every year to see where Santa is, we did the same thing this year, not knowing Biden was taking calls

“When the volunteer picked up, they told us First Lady Biden was taking calls if we would like to speak to her: I said sure

“Waited on hold for 20 minutes or so when they picked up and they were both on the line

“Over the course of the conversation, I thought of the idea and decided to run with it.

“I mean who has the chance to simultaneously pop a hilarious joke to the president, while also voicing their disapproval of his policies and actions?

“Couldn’t pass it up.

“I had no idea he responded the way he did until I saw it online because they disconnected my call, but his response is what made this gold. I did not know it was live streamed and no one ever told me it was, so I was very surprised at what I saw.

“Let’s Go Brandon is about much more then F Joe Biden

“It is a phrase, created by mainstream media mind you, that encompasses the frustrations that millions of Americans and people around the world have with the Joe Biden, his administration, and what they are doing to this country.

“The debacle in Afghanistan where lives were lost, and people are still trapped

“The border crisis, and their lack of response

“Supply chain issues

“Record inflation rates

“Federal mandates surrounding vaccines


“People are also frustrated with the censorship, cancel culture when it comes to disagreeing with anything the liberal left is pushing.

“People have seen the tactics they use, we know what is going on, and we are tired of it.

“It’s happening right now.

“They are trying to silence me through threats and bullying tactics because they don’t like how this phone call portrayed Joe Biden.

“Look, I was just having some fun here.

“The term Let’s Go Brandon has become a joke used to voice our disapproval of this administration, and all the best jokes contain truth within, just like this one.

“My disapproval is very real and very serious. Lives are literally being lost over this man’s decisions, businesses are suffering, people are suffering.

“The fact that I, and so many others, are able to use humor through all of this is because our faith is not in our government, or any one man.

“Our faith is in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

“I am a devout supporter of President Donald J Trump

“Some media outlets are reporting I do not support Donald Trump based on statements I provided to the Oregonian where I said I am not a Trumper.

“In context, what I was saying is that I am not a blind follower of Trump, or any man for that matter, but consider myself a free-thinking American and follower of Jesus Christ first and foremost.

“I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, he is the best president in my lifetime and probably in the history of our country

“My voting is based on my Biblical values, and Donald Trump matches those principals

“Donald Trump fights for us day in and day out regardless of the backlash

“The election was stolen from we the American voters, Donald Trump won the election

“The left is trying to make this a Trump vs Everyone Else thing and it isn’t. In fact, this isn’t about Trump, but I think you know, and most people know what this is really about, and why they are so angry.

“Frankly I thought it was all pretty funny myself, and I am glad I was able to say something so many people stand behind and in what I consider a positive manner.

“I mean it was funny right?

“I enjoyed the conversation, and I meant it when I told the Bidens Merry Christmas.

“I think Joe even enjoyed the conversation, heck he even agreed with me!

“As a man of Christ, I love Joe Biden, but that doesn’t mean I like him, what he stands for, or what he and his administration are doing to this country.

“In fact, what they are doing is the vulgar atrocity everybody should be talking about, not this.”

“I hope this makes it clear exactly where I stand!” the statement concludes.

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