Jeffrey Epstein’s Lawyer Ordered Staff to Deny Bill Clinton Visited ‘Pedophile Island’

One of Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyers ordered the deceased child sex trafficker’s staffers to deny that former President Bill Clinton ever visited the pedophile’s notorious private island.

Epstein’s private Caribbean island, Little St. James – known by law enforcement and locals as “Pedophile Island” – is where many victims have alleged much of the sexual abuse took place.

The island is known to have been frequented by numerous celebrities and powerful elites, including top-level politicians and European royalty.

Miles and Cathy Alexander worked as residential managers at Little St. James, but they left their positions sometime around 2006, according to a report by the Daily Mail.

Around 10 years later, Hillary Clinton was running for president.


Given her husband Bill Clinton’s alleged ties to Epstein, bad press regarding that connection would have been devastating for her campaign.

During the time of Clinton’s campaign, Darren Indyke, a lawyer for Epstein, contacted the Alexanders, the Mail reported.

Indyke reportedly requested they sign a sworn affidavit he had drafted saying they never saw Bill Clinton on “Pedophile Island.”

It is unclear whether the Clintons contacted Indyke, but the Mail noted his intention was to ask the Alexanders “to do something that would be of particular benefit to Hillary Clinton and her campaign” by signing the affidavit.

Bill Clinton has not been proven to have set foot on the island, but alleged Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre has testified that she had seen Clinton with “two young girls” on the island, the Mail reported.

Clinton has denied ever visiting the island or having any knowledge of Epstein’s crimes.

It is certainly possible that Clinton never visited the island, however.

Indyke’s request to the Alexanders could have just been done to confirm this.

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It is also possible Clinton did visit the island, and Indyke pressured the Alexanders to lie.

That question may never be answered.

However, if the Mail’s reporting is correct, it is at least true that Indyke asked the Alexanders to sign the affidavit for the purpose of bolstering Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Without a doubt, that should warrant some concern.

In addition, it has been proven that Bill Clinton had numerous connections to Epstein.

According to the Mail, White House visitor logs show Epstein visited the White House at least 17 times from 1993 to 1995.

In Epstein’s infamous “little black book,” Clinton’s name appears beside 21 phone numbers and “several” emails, the outlet reported.

According to the Mail, Clinton was listed as a passenger on Epstein’s aircraft at least 26 times from February 2002 to November 2003.

Former Epstein pilot David Rodgers also testified in court that he had flown Clinton on Epstein’s plane – a location where several victims claim to have been abused.

“I have a picture of me and the crew with Bill Clinton on the plane,” Rodgers said, according to the Mail.

“To the best of my knowledge it was the first time that we had flown him.”

Again, none of these facts prove Clinton ever visited the island or had knowledge of Epstein’s crimes.

However, they do suggest the two had a close relationship, which is concerning in and of itself given Epstein’s history.

Indyke apparently knew how politically damaging this connection could be for the Clintons.

Why else would he request a sworn affidavit from two employees who had not worked on Little St. James for nearly a decade in an attempt to clear Bill Clinton’s name?

The Daily Mail’s report may not prove Clinton committed any crimes, but the lengths to which Indyke reportedly went trying to help the Clintons should and will raise some eyebrows.

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