Jim Jordan Catches Biden Trying to Censor Americans’ Free Speech, Including ‘Jokes’ and ‘True Information’

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is zeroing in on Joe Biden and has just exposed more damning evidence against the Democrat president.

Jordan just dropped the second installment of his “Facebook Files” which highlights the Biden admin’s effort to censor the American people.

As Slay News reported earlier, Jordan dropped the first part on Thursday and asserted that the documents prove Biden has “abused his powers.”

Facebook’s parent company Meta finally handed over documents to Congress that show how the social media giant was pressured to censor information by the Biden admin.

According to the latest drop from Jordan, Biden officials even demanded that Facebook censor jokes and true information posted online by American citizens.

As many have already pointed out, the effort by the Biden White House to stip the taxpaying public of their free speech rights is a violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Jordan detailed the “Facebook Files Part Two” in a lengthy thread on Twitter:

“Newly subpoenaed documents reveal Facebook bowed to the Biden White House’s pressure to remove posts.

“In sum­mer of 2021, the White House was mount­ing a na­tion­wide push for Amer­i­cans to get vaccinated for Covid-19.

“Part of that push in­cluded a pub­lic and SECRET campaign to get Facebook to more ag­gres­sively po­lice vac­cine-re­lated con­tent, including TRUE information.

“This wasn’t the Biden Admin’s first pressure campaign.

“In July 2021, FB’s head of Global Affairs asked why FB had been censoring the COVID lab leak theory.

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“The answer was clear: ‘Because we were under pressure from the administration . . . We shouldn’t have done it.’

“Biden Ad­min­is­tra­tion of­fi­cials claimed that many Ameri­cans were hes­i­tant to get vac­cines be­cause of content—including true information—that they saw on Face­book.

“’They’re killing peo­ple,’ Pres­i­dent Biden said in July.

“Facebook employees initially bristled at President Biden’s accusation,” Jordan revealed.

“BUT the tongue-lash­ing directly caused Face­book to re-eval­u­ate its poli­cies about COVID-19 con­tent—discussions that in­volved high-level com­pany of­fi­cials in­clud­ing Clegg and then-Chief Op­er­at­ing Of­fi­cer Sh­eryl Sand­berg.

“What did the White House want removed?

“Humorous posts about the vaccine.

“Seriously, jokes were too much!

“The Biden administration also wanted Facebook to remove TRUE information as well.

“As Clegg pre­pared to meet Biden’s Surgeon General, he emailed col­leagues: ‘Sheryl is keen that we continue to explore some moves that we can make to show that we are trying to be responsive to the WH.’

“Facebook even considered ‘blackholing’ certain [website] domains.

“Clegg continued: ‘My sense is that our current course—in ef­fect ex­plain­ing our­selves more fully, but not shift­ing on where we draw the lines…is a recipe for pro­tracted and in­creas­ing ac­ri­mony with the [White House].’

“Facebook’s leadership relented in August and agreed to change the company’s content moderation policies because of the Biden Admin’s continued pressure.

“These subpoenaed documents continue to reveal the Biden administration’s efforts to censor speech.”

READ MORE: Whoopi Goldberg Turns on Biden, Calls for Foreign Countries to ‘Step In’ and Stop Him

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