Jim Jordan Checkmates Hollywood Liberals: ‘Biden Voted to Overturn Roe v. Wade in the Senate, Interesting!’

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) shut down Democrats and liberal Hollywood celebrities for trashing the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Roe v. Wade abortion ruling.

With one simple line, Jordan pointed out that Democrat President Joe Biden himself voted to overturn the ruling when he was a Delaware senator.

While Biden was in the Senate, he fought for states to decide their own laws on abortion.

Several “woke” celebrities and Democrat politicians have been voicing their opposition to the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Jimmy Kimmel attempted to stoke fear in his fans by issuing a false warning: “Ready for birth control and same sex relationships to go away too?


Pop star Taylor Swift also weighed in with ill-informed claims: “I’m absolutely terrified that this is where we are – that after so many decades of people fighting for women’s rights to their own bodies, today’s decision has stripped us of that.”

Bette Midler said: “They did it. THEY DID IT TO US!”


Hillary Clinton said: “Most Americans believe the decision to have a child is one of the most sacred decisions there is, and that such decisions should remain between patients and their doctors.

“Today’s Supreme Court opinion will live in infamy as a step backward for women’s rights and human rights.

Enter Jim Jordan who ended the debate with one simple fact:

“Joe Biden voted to let states overturn Roe v. Wade when he was in the Senate. Interesting!”

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In 1982 Joe Biden supported a constitutional amendment that would overturn Roe v. Wade and allow states to choose their own policies on abortion.

“I don’t like the Supreme Court decision on abortion,” Biden had told the Washingtonian magazine in 1974.

“I think it went too far.

“I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body,” Biden said as the youngest senator in his early 30s adding he was “really quite conservative on most other issues.”

In 1982 Biden was one of only two Democrat lawmakers supporting a constitutional amendment that would allow states to overturn Roe v Wade and pass their own laws on abortion.

“I’m probably a victim, or a product, however you want to phrase it, of my background,” Biden said at the time.

Biden called his vote “the single most difficult vote I’ve cast as a U.S. senator.”

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