Biden Caves, Puts ‘Ministry of Truth’ on Hold after National Outrage

Democrat President Joe Biden has caved after national and bipartisan outrage and has “paused” his new “Ministry of Truth.”

The controversial “Disinformation Governance Board,” led by radical leftist Nina Jankowicz, sought to police and censor information that didn’t align with the Democrats’ vision of “truth.”

Many have dubbed the taxpayer-funded board the “Ministry of Truth” after the government propaganda department in George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984.”

Reporter Glenn Greenwald said: “It’s a cause of momentary celebration that the Department of Homeland Security was forced by popular anger to ‘pause’ its Disinformation Board and the absurd #Resistance cartoon they hired to run it, but read this to see how angry WPost and @TaylorLorenz are that this happened.”

Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz wrote on Twitter: “A ‘pause’ of the Department of Homeland Security’s newly created board comes after its head, Nina Jankowicz, was the victim of coordinated online attacks as the administration struggled to respond.”


Greenwald said: “In sum, a free press exists to unmask and punish private citizens with the wrong politics (‘shoe-lace reporting’), not to investigate and scrutinize the beliefs, conduct and claims of powerful government officials (‘harassment’ and bullying).”

Liberal talk show host Bill Maher blasted Biden’s disinfo board last week, saying:

“But then here’s from the Department of Homeland Security, ‘Disinformation is defined as false information that is deliberately spread with the intention to deceive or mislead, well, you could have said that about ‘If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.’

“Yes, they’re right to compare this to Orwell in the ‘Ministry of Truth.’

“That’s exactly what it sounds like.

“It said also, here’s a phrase, ‘can take many forms.’

“Okay, now we’re going faster down the slippery slope, ‘including but not limited to’ the two I mentioned okay, so government should not be involved in deciding what’s true or not true.

“Because a lot of people are saying and my follow-up question would be, ‘Who do you think the truth czar is going to be in 2025?’”

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Former Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA), who sits on the DHS Disinfo Board, agreed with the critics and slammed her own board, saying, “I don’t get this piece.”

She said she was not even consulted about it before the rollout.

The board would be “fine” if was “confined” to narrow missions but if it broadens its authority it “would be highly unfortunate,” Harman added.

Maher brought up Jankowicz’s comments about wanting to “essentially edit Twitter” in order to “add context to certain tweets.”

“Oh, you mean like what Twitter is?” Maher said.

“That’s what Twitter is. When somebody says something and you add context.

“These are not bright people in our government.”

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