74% of American Voters Say USA Headed in Wrong Direction under Biden

The American public has put Joe Biden on notice yet again, with 74 percent of U.S. voters saying that the country is heading in the wrong direction under the Democrat president.

NBC News is reporting the results of a new poll that show nearly three-quarters of voters say Biden is failing them.

The survey reveals numbers that are fatal for an incumbent and his party.

The poll found that just 21 percent of voters feel the nation is headed in the right direction.

But a staggering number of voters think the country is headed in the wrong direction.


According to The Hill: “Over half of respondents, or 58 percent, said they feel ‘more worried that America’s best years may already be behind us,’ while 35 percent feel more confident the best years are still ahead.

“About a third of respondents, or 34 percent, said they think the state of the nation will worsen over the next five years.

“Just two percent more, or 36 percent, said they think things will get better in that same time period, and 21 percent said they think things will stay the same.

“Biden’s approval rating in this poll ticked up to 42 percent, and 48 percent of voters reported having ‘somewhat negative’ or ‘very negative’ feelings toward the president.”

According to NBC:

In May, Biden’s job approval stood at 42% among registered voters and 39% among all adults. 

The president enjoys his highest approval rating among Democrats (79%), Black voters (68%), urban residents (50%), and women (47%), while he has some of his lowest ratings among Latinos (40%), men (36%), those 18-34 (36%), rural residents (21%) and Republicans (7%).

On the issues, 40% approve of Biden’s handling of the economy (up 7 points among adults in May), and 39% give him a thumbs-up on foreign policy (down 3 points among adults). 

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Looking ahead to November’s midterm elections, 47% of registered voters prefer Republicans winning control of Congress, while 45% want Democrats in charge.

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